The chairman of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Yuval Steinitz (Likud), on Tuesday called on State Prosecutor Edna Arbel to resign.
Arbel is undermining the authority of new Attorney General Menachem (Meni) Mazuz, making it impossible for him to conduct an independent inquiry of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's involvement in the David Appel affair, Steinitz charged. Her recent public comments have been designed to pressure Mazuz into issuing an indictment against the prime minister, Steinitz said, adding Arbel is using the media to back the new attorney general into a corner.
In response, a Justice Ministry spokesman said, "unfortunately, MK Steinitz hastily responds to media reports, without first checking the facts. Arbel did not relate to matters connected to Sharon's case; and items reported in this connection created an artificial connection." State Prosecutor was speaking in hypothetical terms, it appears. In Israel, every opinion announced is followed by it's antithesis.