Schiff has some interesting things to say.---
The exchange deal has not yet been concluded
and Nasrallah has already notified us that the
kidnappings of Israelis will continue. He
knows very well that this is a threat that works
both ways. Israel has already reached into
Lebanon and kidnapped two Lebanese citizens -
Sheikh Obeid and Mustafa Dirani. This means
the no one is safe from such acts, which in the
end are futile.
Hezbollah has revealed itself as an organization
that executes its prisoners, the usual custom
among terrorists. Israel cannot compete on that
score. During the negotiations Hezbollah had
the upper hand over Israel, and not for the first
The strangest move on Israel's part this time
was its willingness to release Palestinian
prisoners via Hezbollah, while that
organization is increasing its involvement in
Palestinian terror in the West Bank and its
efforts to recruit Israeli Arabs for terror
activities. This is a big achievement for
Hezbollah and proof to the Palestinians that
Israel understands only the language of force.
With our own hands we gave Hezbollah fuel
for its involvement in Palestinian terror. Our
complaints of the growing collaboration
between Hezbollah and Palestinian terror can
now be directed only at ourselves.
Furthermore, the government's opposition to
the moderates among the Palestinians has now
been publicly proved, since we refused to
release any prisoners as a gesture to former
Palestinian prime minister Abu Mazen. Such a
demand was raised by Chief of Staff Moshe
Ya'alon in internal discussions.