A planned Israeli-Hizballah prisoner exchange doesn't make any sense and will only encourage terrorism, analysts here are saying.
Israel and the Hizballah are poised to swap prisoners on Thursday following the announcement this weekend that the two foes had reached a deal that would allow an Israeli reserve colonel to return home. The bodies of three Israeli soldiers kidnapped along the northern border three years ago would also be returned.
The deal, brokered through German mediation efforts, obligates Israel to release 400 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, 23 Lebanese and 12 Arabs from other Middle Eastern countries as well as the bodies of 59 Lebanese interred in Israel.
Hizballah is the "most radical element" in the Arab world and is perceived in the Arab world as being the "most effective," Schueftan said. It is "strengthening the worst enemy" Israel has, which is also active in the disputed territories and among Israeli Arabs, he added.
http://www.townhall.com/news/politics/200401/FOR20040126c.shtmlThe point is well taken. Releasing these killers and their accomplices from their cages will set a dangerous precedent.