Arab states to discuss possible adoption of proposal during upcoming convention in Tunisia.
Ma'ariv (Associated press), 2 March 2004According to a document drafted ahead of the upcoming Arab League meeting, the organization is considering adopting the Geneva Initiative in an attempt to renew peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. The convention will take place at the end of the month in Tunisia.
According to the document, all Arab States will agree to declare that they accept the Geneva Initiative as a basis for renewing negotiations. Should the League approve the proposal, it would mark the first time some of the organization’s member states accept a solution to the Palestinian refugee problem that does not include a sweeping right of return.
The document, titled “The Palestinian-Arab-Israeli conflict”, notes that “the Arab peace initiative approved at the 2002 Beirut summit should be revived”. The document condemns Israel for causing the refugee problem (
'legal, political and moral responsibilities for the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem' - AP/Ma'ariv Heb) but does not insist on a return of refugees.
Meanwhile, Arab Foreign Ministers met in Cairo today to prepare the summit meeting in Tunisia.
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