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Indictment expected against man suspected of murdering Oleg Shaichat

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Gimel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 03:28 PM
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Indictment expected against man suspected of murdering Oleg Shaichat
Mohammed Anabtawi, 20, suspected of kidnapping and murdering Israel Defense Forces Corporal Oleg Shaichat last year, is due to be indicted next week.

Four others, brothers Alah and Yosef Moussa and two minors, who are members of the Free Galilee cell and residents of the Kfar Kana and Manda villages, are to be indicted next week for allegedly throwing Molotov cocktails and attempting to kidnap IDF soldiers. The prosecution will request an extension of their remand until the end of the hearings.

Anabtawi's remand was extended Thursday by an additional 15 days. One of the Free Galilee cell members, Mohammed Ouada, who was apprehended last month, was released.

Three weeks ago, following the release to house arrest of the first three suspects in the murder case, the Shin Bet and police revealed that they had arrested new suspects in the case.


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