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Truth vs. Deceit in Foreign Policy

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kalian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 09:50 AM
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Truth vs. Deceit in Foreign Policy

Writing in the New Republic (June 7), former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski characterizes the Bush administration’s invasion and occupation of Iraq as "justified by falsehoods, pursued with unilateral arrogance, blinded by self-delusion, and stained by sadistic excesses."

Brzezinski condemns Bush’s failed Iraq policy for aiding and abetting terrorism and for generating hardcore hatred of the US. Brzezinski points firmly to the real problem: "The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the single most combustible and galvanizing issue in the Arab world."

If any headway is to be made against terror, Brzezinski says, the Bush administration must cease supporting the Likud Party’s goal of a greater Israel while ignoring Palestinian rights. As the US has learned in Iraq, mere force cannot defeat terrorism. However, an equitable Israeli-Palestinian settlement can.

No progress can be made in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as long as neoconservatives continue to control the Bush presidency. A number of top military officers and foreign policy experts have called for the resignation of the neoconservative contingent.

Gen. Anthony Zinni recently accused top Pentagon officials of "dereliction of duty" and called for their heads to roll. Marine Gen. William Whitlow wrote recently in the Washington Post that "it is time for the president to ask those responsible for the flawed Iraqi policy to resign from public service."


This tidbit is right-on:
Many Americans believe that a Middle East course correction is impossible, because Israel controls US Middle Eastern policy and Israelis are of one mind. Americans mistakenly believe Israelis are of one mind, because the US media does not report on the fierce Israeli opposition to the Likud Party’s aggressive policy toward the Palestinians.

Most thoughtful Israelis oppose the Likud Party’s strategy, because they understand that it is suicidal for 5 million Israelis to make themselves hated by hundreds of millions of Muslims. Israelis have written that Ariel Sharon’s mistreatment of Palestinians means their country will not exist in 25 years and that their children are already planning to emigrate. Prominent Israeli newspapers, writers, politicians, and peace groups continuously lambast the Likud Party for its policy toward the Palestinians.

Unfortunately, and as we have seen on these forums, any Jews that are
vehemently oppossed or have strong words against the Likuds are
labelled as "uncle Jakes". Makes one wonder, no? :eyes:
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 04:49 PM
Response to Original message
1. Funny coming from Zbig, but right on.
Deceit as a matter of policy is self-defeating in most
cases, and yet it borders on dogma in foreign policy
circles to assume a multi-player zero-sum game of all-
against-all in which one simply cannot afford to tell the
truth, even to ones "friends".
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