A second report, by Ehud Ya'ari in The Jerusalem Report was even more groundbreaking. According to Ya'ari, (and my own Palestinian sources back the gist of his claim), there is a lively conversation going on in the Palestinian cities of Judea and Samaria about the necessity of reinstating the "Jordanian option." That option involves a renewal of the Jordanian role in Palestinian affairs and the regeneration or replacement of the Palestinian security forces under Jordanian control. Ya'ari reported that there is talk of deploying the Palestinian battalion of the Jordanian army and perhaps even building a new force of Palestinians from Jordan that would replace the PLO's militias.
It should be recalled that until the late King Hussein renounced Jordan's claims to Judea and Samaria in 1988, Israel and Jordan had a quiet, effective power-sharing arrangement in the areas. Palestinians from Judea and Samaria held Jordanian citizenship. The educational system was Jordanian, complete with Jordanian textbooks and matriculation exams.
The underlying understanding here among average Palestinians is that the PLO and its terror partners have failed the Palestinians. If the Palestinians are to have a chance of living a reasonable life and bring prosperity to their communities and security to their society, they must first replace the PLO and its Palestinian Authority with powerful moderates from Jordan.
More likely, it is due to the kingdom's understanding that regardless of the long-term consequences for Jordan of replacing the PLO, the long term consequences to the kingdom of allowing the PLO to remain empowered are worse.
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1086836434761&p=1006953079897 .................................................................