The Quartet of international Middle East peace brokers lent support Thursday to Egyptian pressure on the Palestinians to reform their security forces ahead of an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.
In an interview with Palestinian newspaper Al-Ayam published earlier in the day, Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia said that the various PA security agencies would be consolidated by September.
Suleiman presented a detailed timetable to Israeli and Palestinian leaders Wednesday over how to secure the Gaza Strip: an overhaul of the Palestinian security forces and a cease-fire declaration by September, followed by the collection of militants' weapons and the dismantling of militant groups.
Suleiman, who met Arafat in Ramallah, said he was "very pleased" with the meeting, adding that Egyptian advisers could enter Gaza "within a few months."
An EU statement issued after the meeting said the envoys stressed "their strong support for the efforts of the Egyptian government in working with the two sides to put in place arrangements that will be critical to the success of the Israeli initiative to withdraw from Gaza."