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'Breakthrough' on Mideast peace

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Scurrilous Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 01:56 PM
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'Breakthrough' on Mideast peace,,2-10-1462_1632451,00.html


"Key players in the search for Middle East peace have reached understanding on a plan that could lead to a comprehensive settlement, Egypt's state news agency MENA said on Tuesday, quoting senior Egyptian sources.

"An important understanding, that could constitute an agreement in principle, has been reached by Egypt, Israel, the Palestinians and the significant international parties - the United States and the European Union - on a comprehensive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," MENA said."


"MENA said the "framework for the plan has effectively been established ... and discussions are underway to agree clearly on the points to be included."

Expected to be included is a "bilateral ceasefire" under which the Palestinian Authority would "put a stop to anti-Israeli attacks and consolidate its control over the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank". In that context, MENA said, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is committed to a "halt to Israeli military operations against the Palestinians insofar as they continue to respect their commitment (to a ceasefire) and control their territory".
MENA added that Sharon had declined to put this in writing, saying it was "not necessary, at the outset, to sign a ceasefire accord until the Palestinian Authority's security and administrative capabilities could be rebuilt."

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JAbuchan08 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 02:35 PM
Response to Original message
1. Who Died?!?
Oh, sorry, I thought a "breakthrough" on "peace" was some kind of military euphemism. Like 'strategic hamlet' program.
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drdon326 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 05:58 AM
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2. Why is it.....
no one is getting too excited about this??
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