"The French ambassador to Israel accused Israelis on Thursday of suffering from "a mental disorder of anti-Frenchism," sparking protests from the Foreign Ministry.
"I think there is a neurosis that causes anti-Frenchism," the ambassador, Gerard Araud, told Army Radio. "This anti-French neurosis has led to France being so hated in Israel. The relationship between the two countries is very difficult. You simply love to hate us."
"Araud said anti-Semitism in France is no different from that in other countries in Europe, but "Israelis harass us, because we are an easier target." Two synagogues that were set alight in Europe in June elicited no Israeli reaction, Araud said, charging that one day later, "when there was some anti-Semitic graffiti on a Paris street, it made the front page of Haaretz."
The ambassador also criticized Israeli journalist Yair Lapid, a writer and satirist for the Maariv newspaper (and son of Shinui chairman Yosef Lapid). After the death of Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat, Lapid wrote that the manner in which France treated the issue of Arafat's death proved that "the French are shit," Araud said. The ambassador called such sentiments completely unacceptable, saying if the French media were to use such language in reference to Jews, they would be accused of anti-Semitism."