Several points are being overlooked here which makes this more than just a case for naked anti-Semitism.
1) Is that the majority of French Jews and French Muslims came from Algeria and North Africa during the 1960's and essentially live in adjoining neighborhoods.
2) Statistics have shown that until the past few years, attacks on Jews have steadily decreased to historically low levels. And while there has been an increase, most have been caused by an increase in friction between French Jews and French Muslims generally resulting from the Israeli/Palestine situation.
3) If anything, France is having a greater problem dealing with anti-Muslim behavior principally driven by the large and persistant cultural separation between the Muslim community and the secular French community. Hate attacks against Muslims have been far greater and much more violent. Hatred has also been prominanently featured in material handed out by LePen supporters. Most of the outcry against the new laws trying to enforce secularism in schools has been against head-scarves and not kippa.
While I'm not trying to say Muslims are a greater victim, the issue remains that secular France is having a significant issue dealing with the rather large amount of people who have chosen to remain culturally separate inside of France's borders.
See: For all of the press, there does not seem to be a concordant rise in Aliyah from France. to the Israeli government, 7,024 immigrants have come from France since 2000 - from a low of 1,160 in 2001 to a high of 2,385 in 2002. In the first half of 2004, 647 French Jews immigrated to Israel.
And from this article: gather that the second half of the year is not the main time people make Aliyah, so I doubt the number is not as high as they claim. I also note that their figure of 2,356 in 1972 is incorrect considering the official numbers claim 2,385 in 2002 adding further doubts to the veracity of the numbers.