United States, Europe and Arab countries are considering greatly increasing - maybe even doubling - aid to the Palestinians on condition that they and Israel take certain steps toward reducing their conflict, American and Palestinian officials say.
A four-year package of $6 billion to $8 billion would be forthcoming, they said, if the Palestinian elections set for Jan. 9 occurred successfully and if the new government cracked down on militant groups and Israel lifted scores of roadblocks and checkpoints to ease the transit of goods and people in Palestinian areas.
The possibility of an aid increase was the subject of intense discussions at a donors meeting on Dec. 8 in Oslo. According to participants, the aim of the meeting was to help moderate Palestinian leaders after the death of Yasir Arafat and to prepare for the fulfillment of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's decision to pull settlers and forces out of the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank.
The Palestinians are already the world's largest per capita recipients of international aid, getting about $1 billion for 3.5 million inhabitants, or nearly $300 per person. The contemplated aid package would increase that amount by 50 to 100 percent.-------------------------------------------------------------------
Hey....thats my money. And it sure as hell shouln't go for hate-filled textbooks.