"Kol David" broadcasts its main news show every evening from 7-7:30 Greenwich time and has two other half hour broadcasts.
In a two-minute recorded introduction accessible from the webpage, an up-beat Iranian radio host tells Hebrew-speaking listeners that the broadcasts are directed to "Falestina and America."
Yet, in a blatant break with state rhetoric, the "Kol David" radio website refers to Israel by name. Its news articles, which appear to be copied in some instances from the Israeli Hebrew press, never use the more common Iranian phrase "Zionist entity." The only obvious difference in language is the use of 'immigrant' instead of "olim" and that the Israeli Defense Ministry is called the "Ministry of War."
At the top of the webpage, which can be accessed at
http://www.irib.ir/worldservice/hebrewradio/default.htm, the Hebrew date slides across the screen. The site provides limited news, with most of it about Israel. The articles describe controversial events on the conflict. Dilemmas such as the psychological effects of the intifada on Israeli children are also posted.
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