This bit reminded me of something that I'd read years ago about South Africa's "right to exist as a white nation:"
Nor has he ever renounced Palestinians' "right of return," which is tantamount to not recognizing Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.
I couldn't find the specific quote, but I found this instead, which summarizes the issue of racial/religious segregation and apartheid in Israel and occupied Palestine nicely. From ...Ultimately, international opinion rejected an exclusionist South Africa -- but even the most pro-Palestinian mainstream opinion in the US argues for the same solution that the South African Nationalists wanted. This issue exists in a frightening moral vacuum where the US and most so-called liberals refuse to condemn an overtly exclusionist state. Billmon of Whiskey bar quotes a friend who calls Palestine the Death Valley of American progressives. The only consolation I see from this moral vacuum is that it will provide a test by which our grandchildren can judge the individual morality of members of this generation. Small consolation.
Israel is a clearly racist state without civil rights for its subjects in the Occupied Territories, with roads for Jews only, with water rights for Jews only, with land purchase rights for Jews only. Israeli citizens are not immune to repression from the racist state: Israel shoots its own citizens dead if they protest, non-Jewish citizens cannot buy state land and are educated in segregated schools. The fact that so many Americans and Europeans more easily identify with Jewish culture than they did with Afrikaner nationalism makes a celebration of zionist subjectivity no less dangerous. Israel has a "right to exist" only in the sense that South Africa has a right to exist -- that is, not as an ethnically-exclusive state with racist laws. But to point this out is to be overwhelmed by accusations of anti-semitism.
But things only appear to be getting worse. The IDF has successfully tested the waters and learned that it can get away with assassinating American and British peace activists engaged in non-violent civil disobedience. Ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is favored by about fifty percent of Israeli Jews, according to polls and the settler war on Palestinian farmers is in full gear. Ethnic cleansing and genocide are also advocated by some powerful people in the US. Everybody in the US seems to love the idea of apartheid. Hell, I'd support a two state solution that at least meant an Israeli withdrawal from all post-67 settlements and real sovereignty for a little Palestinian state (not very likely, it seems). But let's not pretend this is any sort of moral solution: it is a pragmatic solution based on Israel's belligerence and unwavering insistence on an ethnically exclusive state. People have a right to exist, not apartheid.
on edit: the original contains hypertext links to news articles and the like to support many of its statements. I did not reproduce those.