From the Israeli site: route of the Security Fence is derived from topography, population density and threat assessment of each terrain compartment. The course of the route was determined with the following considerations taken into account -Continuity - The Security Fence provides a response to the operational assignment requiring continuity. It is a continuous land based obstacle stretching from Beit- Shean (North) to Arad (South). Stage A, runs from Salem to Elkana, and around Jerusalem (in the northern and southern sections), was completed by the end of July 2003. Stage B, running from Salem towards Bet- Shean, through the Jezreel Valley and the Gilboa mountains, approved in December 2002, will be completed by the end of July 2004.-Command & Control-Creating an area that enables command and control through the usage of observation systems as well as provision of space for pursuit after suspect.-Environmental considerations- Minimal damage to the landscape and its vegetation as well as restoring the area, once work has been completed to its former stage, as much as possible.- Avoidance- Every effort has been made, to avoid including any Palestinian villages in the area of the Security Fence.The Security Fence does not annex territories to the State of Israel, nor will it change the status of the residents of these areas.-Minimum Disruption-Minimum disruption to the daily life of the populations residing on both sides of the Security Fence will occur along its course in several forms:Narrow agricultural passageways, dozens of which will be located along the route to enable farmers to continue cultivating their lands.Passage for pedestrians and vehicles, at which inspections will take place to maintain security.Crossing points, for transfer of goods across the central area and in the Jerusalem region.-Simplicity of maintenance-In terms of accessibility, cost and time.-
The PA reproduce the above as this map
On July 04 the PA said approximately 157,800 acres - or about 11.5 percent - of West Bank land (excluding East Jerusalem) will lie between the Barrier and the Green Line, according to the revised route. (See map ). This will include 38,500 acres enclosed in a series of enclaves and 119,300 acres in closed areas between the Green Line and the Barrier, excluding East Jerusalem. An additional 4,000 acres are already located in two semi-enclaves, where land is encircled by the Barrier but access via one route is unrestricted