A top PLO decision-making body on Sunday called on Palestinian militants to halt attacks against Israel,
charging that the violence gives Israel an excuse to carry out military operations. The PLO Executive Committee issued its statement in Ramallah. It followed an attack late Thursday by militants at the Karni crossing between Gaza and Israel that left six Israeli civilians dead, setting off Israeli reprisal raids in Gaza.
In its statement, the PLO body called on militants to "stop all the military action that might harm our national goals and give the Israelis an excuse to obstruct Palestinian stability."
A senior Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity, downplayed the announcement, repeating Israeli policy that the Palestinians will be judged by their deeds, not their words.
Abbas has spoken out against Palestinian violence but has turned down demands to confront the militant groups, preferring to negotiate a truce.
Abbas will attempt to persuade leaders of various Palestinian groups to reach a temporary truce with Israel, following the recent escalation culminating in the attack on the Karni Gaza crossing.
UN.EFFIN.BELIEVEABLE.more empty words.
'UHHH...hey guys??.....c'mon....please stop << wink,wink,nod,nod>> cause....uhhhhh....I dunno.....just stop.....ok?"