NIF News 1/10/05 Newsletter New Israel Fund
Survey Reveals Deep Arab Mistrust of Israeli Institutions – Except the Supreme Court According to a new survey conducted by veteran NIF grantee Adalah: Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, Israel's 20 percent Arab minority has a deep mistrust of national institutions and government policy, with the exception of the Supreme Court. The survey showed that 93.5 percent of Arab Israelis regard government policy as unjust, while 93 percent mistrust the Israel Lands Administration, which controls the country's land resources. Eighty-three percent of respondents said that they had no confidence in the Knesset and 79 percent mistrusted the Hebrew-language media. The only state institution that came out of the report well was the Supreme Court, which earned a relatively low mistrust vote of 35.6 percent.
The survey also asked Israel's Arabs to rank the topics they see as needing government intervention. In first place was the education system followed by the unrecognized Bedouin villages, and the need to establish more industrial zones in Arab communities.