When rightwingers worry about their own rightwing, it is time to be really afraid...
Mon., February 07, 2005 Shvat 28, 5765
Livnat and Livni warn of right-wing takeover bid in Likud
By Mazal Mualem, Haaretz Correspondent
Ahead of Monday's elections for members of the Likud secretariat, ministers Limor Livnat and Tzipi Livni expressed concern Sunday about a possible right-wing takeover of the party, referring to Moshe Feiglin's Jewish Leadership faction.
Livnat said she hoped the Likud voters would not lend a hand to allowing radical elements who are not part of the Likud into the party's secretariat, which is the Likud's most important body.
In a joint statement published Sunday, Livnat and Livni voiced "concern about another step to accumulate power within the Likud on the part of Jewish Leadership - a group that just a week ago called for refusal
and one of whose candidates was convicted in the past of terror activities. We believe this constitutes another attempt to lead the movement to places with which the majority of Likud members do not identify."
The Jewish Leadership candidate to whom Livnat and Livni were referring is Shaul Nir, a member of the Jewish Underground who was sentenced to life imprisonment for planning and carrying out the murder of three Arab students at the Islamic College in Hebron in July 1993. Nir was pardoned and released after serving seven years of his sentence.