"GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Palestinian police and Hamas militants exchanged fire in a crowded Gaza City neighborhood on Friday, and at least two people were killed and nine wounded in some of the worst fighting among Palestinians in recent years. Palestinian security forces were placed on high alert.
The escalation, set off earlier by a suicide bombing that killed five Israelis this week, is threatening to collapse a five-month-old truce. If fighting spins out of control, it could also endanger the rule of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and overshadow the planned Israeli withdrawal from Gaza next month. Israel has said it would not pull out of Gaza under fire. The cease-fire has been the main achievement of Abbas.
The tough police action suggested a possible shift in Palestinian policy. Abbas has been reluctant to confront militants despite intense pressure from Israel and the United States to crack down.
The clashes erupted in Gaza City's Zeitoun neighborhood after security forces searched for militants suspected of firing rockets at Israeli towns. Militants burned down a police station and set a police armored personnel carrier and three jeeps on fire. Thick black smoke from burning tires rose from the neighborhood."