The Jewish campaign to effectively silence any critic of Israel may well be the biggest contributing factor in this birth of world terrorism we see today.
In his weekly radio address, two days after the London bombing attacks, President Bush said: "We are now waging a global war on terror -- from the mountains of Afghanistan to the border regions of Pakistan, to the Horn of Africa, to the islands of the Philippines, to the plains of Iraq."
I wanted to scream and yell, "What about Israel, President Bush? If you really want to fight a war on terrorism, then the first place you need to go to is Israel. Stop wasting your time in those places you just mentioned and go to the source of terrorism. Go to where all the terror began. You can bring about a victory on the war on terrorism without sacrificing more than 1,700 American servicemen, and over $1 trillion of U.S. taxpayer money. Iraq isn't the place where terror began. Go to Israel. Go to where it all began and continues today."
All he would need to do is break clean from Israel and suspend all aid until Israel relinquishes its control of the occupied territories, stops building and expanding illegal Jewish settlements, accedes to the Palestinians right to self-determination and evacuates Jewish settlers now living in areas of the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights.
Just one day after President Bush made his remarks on the war on terrorism, Israel's Cabinet, ignoring Palestinian objections and U.S. misgivings, endorsed a Jerusalem separation barrier that will cut off 55,000 Palestinian residents from the city. The barrier leaves four Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem, with some 55,000 residents, on the West Bank side, while including the largest Jewish West Bank settlement, Maaleh Adumim, with close to 30,000 people, on the Jerusalem side. This is the same wall that dips deep into the West Bank in several places to encircle main Jewish settlements grabbing thousands of acres of Palestinian land. Calling it anything other than a land grab would be misleading.
read more...On Edit: Added 1st paragraph of article.