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Leader of the extreme right

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JohnLocke Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-05 11:32 PM
Original message
Leader of the extreme right
Edited on Sun Aug-07-05 11:33 PM by JohnLocke
Leader of the extreme right
August 8, 2005 -- Haaretz
Benjamin Netanyahu's resignation from the government right before the disengagement places him, finally, in the spot that suits him - as the leader of the extreme right in Israel. Netanyahu crowned himself yesterday as the leader of the nationalist and nationalist-religious camp, whose stars - until yesterday - were Avigdor Lieberman, Uzi Landau, Benny Elon, Effi Eitam and Aryeh Eldad.
After two and a half years of image rehabilitation as finance minister, Netanyahu has again proved he is not made out of responsible, national leadership material. If he had quit two months ago, when the government and Knesset decided on the disengagement, it would have been possible to accept his argument that he is acting out of considerations of ideology and conscience. But his late resignation is meant not to influence, but to astound. It is meant not to prevent a political move he says he always knew was dangerous for the country, but to attempt to make it more difficult and to evade responsibility for implementing it.
After the disengagement is implemented - even Netanyahu admits that it is no longer possible to halt it - he will become no more than a distant memory of a very talented person whose troublesome personality and extremist positions stood in his way. Whoever chooses to adhere to an extreme political viewpoint, opposes every step involving compromise and does not see on the horizon the slightest chance of a political solution to the conflict with the Palestinians cannot be accepted by the public as a suitable candidate for a future prime minister.
A week before the disengagement, the prime minister deserves support and encouragement from all who believe in his path, without personal calculations and political considerations. In these difficult days, when a new murderer could rise up from the right to attempt to change reality by violent means, democracy must receive unqualified support in carrying out the process upon which the government and the Knesset have decided.
If the evacuation of Gaza takes place on time and is completed as planned, Netanyahu's resignation, which now looks dramatic, will be recorded as ephemeral. Perhaps it will also signal the beginning of a reform of the political system and the reorganization of political parties, based on their genuine, updated platforms. (...)
Read the rest of this excellent editorial here.
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caitlyn Donating Member (61 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-10-05 05:34 PM
Response to Original message
1. The extreme right in Israel doesn't trust Netanyahu.
The extreme right in Israel doesn't trust Netanyahu. They will never forgive him for the Wye River Accords and the subsequent withdrawal from 80% of Hebron, which they view as holy. I don't expect Bibi will get the support he expects from the right wing of Likud either. That vote will go to Uzi Landau in the primary.

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