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Always looking on the bright side of life

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Fight_n_back Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 12:52 PM
Original message
Always looking on the bright side of life
A social survey made in 2002 showed that 83 percent
of all adult Israelis are satisfied or very
satisfied with their lives. The survey,
commissioned by the Budgets Division of the
Finance Ministry, and carried out by the Central
Bureau of Statistics, was conducted among 7,000
Israelis across the country, aged 20 years or older.

Among working adults, 82 percent reported that
they were satisfied or very satisfied with
their work. Among Jews, the rate of
satisfaction was 82 percent as opposed to 73
percent among Arabs. Satisfaction with work was
equal among those born in Israel and veteran
Among the immigrants, only 71
percent of those who arrived during the 1990s
were satisfied, as opposed to 85 percent of
immigrants who have lived in Israel for a
longer period of time.
The survey revealed that 6 percent of the
population defined itself as ultra-Orthodox, 10
percent as religious, 13 percent as
religious-traditional, and 43 percent as

Among Arab Israelis, 10 percent identified
themselves as very religious, 49 percent as
religious, 22 percent as not very religious,
and 20 percent as non-religious.

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dfong63 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 03:10 PM
Response to Original message
1. and why not?
their happy existence is subsidized by the American taxpayer, to the tune of several billions a year. that amounts to close to $1000 per year (more than $1000 in some years) for every Jewish man, woman, and child in Israel. while congress had a furious debate over whether to pass a special deal to extend the so-called "tax cuts" to lower-income families (in America), there was very little if any debate over the larger amount that is given to Israeli families every year.

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Fight_n_back Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 09:26 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. gosh sir
besides ignoring the fact that the aid goes to EVERYONE in Israel, not just Jews, you neglected to realize that the US subsidises the US to a far greater extent that it does any other nation and we are not as satisfies as the people in this poll.

Plus your numbers are screwy and backed up with no evidence.

Jordan gets about hals as much aid as Israel, are those people satisifed with theior King? Maybe half as satisfied?

Please enlighten me, braniac, when dod US aid to Israel begin? You seem to know so much about it.
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