"The Shin Bet intelligence agency and a special police team of investigators have arrested a Tel Aviv couple on suspicion they threw a pigs head into the Hassan Bek mosque in Jaffa last week.
34-year-old Shimon Ben-Chaim, and his 31-year-old wife Victoria Shteinman were arrested Friday and charged with desecrating a holy site, incitement, mutiny, insulting religious feelings, planning to commit a crime and illegal assembly.
Under investigation, the pair said they'd hoped to instigate Jaffa Muslims to riot in order to derail the Gaza disengagement plan.
Police found a second pig's head in the couple's refrigerator. The couple said they had planned to repeat the attack."
"Muslim worshippers at the mosque found the pig's head, wrapped in a traditional Muslim headdress (keffiyeh) last Friday, with a note reading, "The Prophet Mohammed" attached.
Members of the Islamic Movement in Jaffa, to which the mosque belongs, said the incident was "serious" and represented a "serious blow" to Muslim sensibilities."