Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld did not just let some dicey terrorist events happen on purpose, he was in a position as Secretary of Defence to make sure the whole PNAC Pearl Harbor spectacle happened just the way he wanted it to. Hey, the guy was right in the Pentagon, and he had to make sure that the right side was hit so that he and his clique wouldn't perish On 9/11, BEFORE THE FIRST AIRCRAFT HIT THE NORTH TOWER, Rumsfeld was already casually bantering with reporters about how terrorism could come back at any time. Gee, what a shrewd guess.
And indeed, the destruction of the WTC complex was not and could not have possibly been simply caused by the plane impacts and subsequent fires. There were many people who witnessed or were injured or killed by explosions there and what the explosions did to strutures like WT1, WTC2, WTC7 and WTC 3. Explosions witnessed
deep below the Twin Towers could very well have undermined centeral spines of the Twin Towers. That is a crucial thing, that's what carries the most weight in this building plan. But all the buidlings BELONGING TO THE WORLD TRADE CENTER at least suffered severe damage in spree of explosions
begining on the morning of 9/11 and continuing into the morning of 9/12.Keep up the good work! :think: