investigative journalism program "Twee Vandaag". Unfortunately that Dutch TV was completely in Dutch (but fortunately for me, I speak Dutch). It was TERRIFIC. I've been on Daan de Wit's mailing list for a couple years now and he is a MIHOPer for sure. The TV program he was interviewed by is a daily news program comparable to our "60 Minutes" - EXTREMELY credible. They did an excellent job looking at all sides, but mostly concentrating on the "conspiracy theories" on the internet, showing footage from Loose Change (which has just been released on DVD with Dutch subtitles in the Netherlands), including how it is impossible that a Boeing hit the Pentagon, showed the bomb blasts as the towers went down, and played the Mayor of the town in PA where the other plane supposedly went down saying "There was no plane". It was so well done that I would be absolutely shocked if anyone who saw that, no matter what they may previously had thought, didn't at the very least conclude that the official story is fishy and that we really don't know what happened on 9/11.