is a perfect example. Just as many in the 9/11 Truth movement have requested many forms of evidence that are known to be in existence and have been denied (confiscated video tapes, debri, the list goes on and on).
If I'm not mistaken Dr. Jones has asked to be allowed to do this and was denied. He then went around them and got samples from memorials from real patriots who care about knowing the truth. Sure, if you are an engineering firm that is in the pocket of the government and/or have financial ties, or have only the the government's point of view in heart in maintaining the OCT then you probably have incredible access.
We wouldn't want just any samples, but the opportunity to pick the samples directly. Those beams and metal debri that show the tell-tale signs of being cut and melted are prime candidates and the slag material from these types of evidence.
There is nothing open and honest with our government when it comes to 9/11. Remember, they stone-walled and didn't want an investigation to take place, but when the political pressure from the Jersey Girls and others was too much to bear, they conceded, but then cherry picked the 9/11 commission, and chose "friends," those who would cooperate with and not question the OCT thereby protecting the real outlaws.
Everything the BCF cabal and the Neo-con Rethugs do and touch stinks to high heaven of corruption.