Today is the fifth anniversary of the event that gave the Bush administration the beginning of their New World Order. It is the day that terrorists were allowed to come on our soil and attack innocent Americans in order for them to get the war they wanted. NO ONE is going to dissuade me from that opinion, because I find it to be more true every year that passes and the ceremonies get more political. Look at how Bush and other politicians use this tragedy and the deaths of innocent Americans to get photo ops, up their poll numbers, and spread their political toxins. Rudolph Giuliani even made an appearance at the Giants game last night, specifically because it was about 9.11 and he needed to bask in the glory and get a photo op. Disgusting.
If there is anything I find more offensive about this day, it is the proliferation of political blowhards coming out of the woodwork to feign sorrow about what happened that day. ESPECIALLY those who were flying around that day with their tail between their legs looking for a place to hide after reading a book about a goat while it was happening.
I then have a message for all of them today: JUST SHUT THE HELL UP FOR ONCE. We are bombarded day in and day out with their ceaseless self-absorbing political BS. You would think that on this day of all days they would have the courtesy and decency to step back and allow Americans to mourn and remember without having to see their phony faces gracing every GD tv station and newspaper.
I am filled with so much sadness today for those whose lives were lost, as I am filled with sadness as well for the millions around our world who have perished because of the religious/political powerplaying that has caused this whirlwind. I am filled with sorrow for the world that has now been made for our children because of it. And I am filled with anger towards a U.S Congress that has stood by while these bastards have done all in their power to use this tragedy to institute their agenda of fear. How much more are they going to give them before it is all over? How much more hatred can we afford? How can they dare to show their faces in public today, especially to the families of those whose lives were lost? Where is the closure for them? FIVE years later and they are still finding remains at ground zero! All we got out of 9.11 was the Patriot Act and the death of our soul as a nation.
That is why on this day, it is NOT for the politicians. It is NOT for the media. It is for the PEOPLE. It is for us to reflect, to remember, and to see the truth staring us right in our faces... that our government FAILED US on that day and continues to FAIL us each and every day their wars go on. Each and every day poverty remains. Each and every day those who need barriers lifted are ignored. Each and every day peace is still but a dream.
9.11 was an event that could have truly transformed our world into a place where peace was finally worked on for our children. Where we could have worked to truly learn to face the forces of darkness that control those who would take an innocent life out of blind hate, not with hate but with justice. However, it was squandered, and we now live in a world in more turmoil with more enemies, where we have become them.
So today, I not only weep and light a candle for those who perished, I also vow to fight those threats foreign or domestic that would seek to undermine our freedoms with reason and in the spirit of peace, and to NEVER stop asking questions of this government that FAILED US on this day five years ago. That is the greatest tribute we can give to those who perished that day. To always seek truth, and to never give up on peace and ACCOUNTABILITY for this crime.

My prayers are with all who perished this day and their families. And to the firefighters and EMT workers, YOU are the real heroes of this day.