(The following are some reactions after the Vice President's detailed exposure, at a press conference Tuesday, of his leading role in conceiving and orchestrating the 9/11 events as a false-flag attack designed to justify a long-planned global war of aggression.) Right-wingers, especially those who fancy themselves as realists and intellectuals, are finding excuses. 9/11 was a bold, geopolitically savvy move. It had to be done to save America. Otherwise the people would have never understood the terrorist threat in time. Really, it was a favor to us, a necessary sacrifice. And besides, most of those killed were Democrat defeatists who would have otherwise been wiped out in greater numbers by the Islamofascists.
And who are we little people to question these big things? Our leaders know more and better than we do, etc.
Chip Berlet, David Corn, Indymedia and 911myths.com have rushed to deny the confession, pointing out that Cheney is a right-wing conspiracy theorist who has lied many times in the past.
The DU management is banishing all threads linking to Cheney's confession to the conspiracy dungeon.
Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Joe Lieberman are ignoring the news altogether, and urging the administration to hurry up and prosecute a more vigorous war on terror.
Media pundits are for the most part declining to talk about the issue because it is, after all, old news. Everyone knew 9/11 was an inside job - why bother stirring this up now? Many 9/11 skeptics agree, complaining that they after all have been saying this for years, and in the meantime have moved on to (peak oil, macrame, exile) and so the revelation at this point is late and irrelevant.
Other, more radical 9/11 skeptics are complaining that Cheney's confession of orchestrating 9/11 on behalf of an association of Bush cronies is just a limited hangout, covering up the role of __________ (take your pick among NWO, world banking, Zionists, aliens etc.) and paving the way in a Hegelian dialectic that will end up in one-world government by (Jimmy Carter, Hillary Clinton, Nelson Mandela, George Soros, Gorbachev, Freemasons, Bilderbergs, etc.)
Meanwhile, Geraldo Rivera asks: Yes, but what about Natalie Holloway, missing since...?