indicates that the story we are being fed is totally false.
Several aircraft in the US were hijacked and brought down in a massive coordinated terrorist action. Both New York WTC towers were hit, as was the Pentagon in Washington, DC
Aircraft which were involved:-
» Boeing 767-223 N334AA
» Boeing 767-222 N612UA
» Boeing 767-222 N591UA
» Boeing 767-223 N644AA is what the mass media claims.
But the Bureau of Transportation Statistics
maintains a database
which completely contradicts
THAT version of the events of September 11, 2001.
Let us hie to the BTS stats page and take a look at
the Departure Statistic(s): Wheels-off Time
Airport(s): BOS
Month(s): September
Day(s): 11
Year(s): 2001
American Airlines
and United Airlines
and Delta Airlines.
American Airlines flights out of Logan on September 11, 2001.
AA 09/11/2001 0153 N232AA ORD 8:41
AA 09/11/2001 0189 N3BMAA SEA 8:56
AA 09/11/2001 0269 N636AA SJC 8:09
AA 09/11/2001 0461 N255AA DFW 6:50
AA 09/11/2001 0645 N3BLAA JFK 6:20
AA 09/11/2001 1019 N078AA SJU 7:14
AA 09/11/2001 1135 N2CFAA ORD 7:19
AA 09/11/2001 1547 N321AA MCO 7:39
AA 09/11/2001 1555 N3BBAA ORD 6:03
AA 09/11/2001 1663 N521AA DFW 7:18
AA 09/11/2001 1711 N061AA MIA 6:18
AA 09/11/2001 1757 N3CLAA ORD 7:48
AA 09/11/2001 1811 N2CBAA DCA 6:47
AA 09/11/2001 1857 N630AA DFW 8:30
AA 09/11/2001 1971 N5EPAA SJU 8:34
AA 09/11/2001 1983 N3BRAA FLL 6:43
The total number of the records found for this query: 55
United Airlines flights out of Logan on September 11, 2001.
UA 09/11/2001 0163 N526UA SFO 7:20
UA 09/11/2001 0175 N612UA LAX 8:23 *Allegedy crashed into the WTC.
UA 09/11/2001 0211 N463UA IAD 7:51
UA 09/11/2001 0503 N314UA ORD 6:11
UA 09/11/2001 0505 N431UA DEN 8:10
UA 09/11/2001 0507 N564UA ORD 7:43
UA 09/11/2001 0583 N433UA DEN 6:10
UA 09/11/2001 0895 N461UA ORD 8:40
UA 09/11/2001 1439 N356UA ORD 6:40
UA 09/11/2001 1877 N556UA IAD 6:52
UA 09/11/2001 1947 N435UA IAD 0:00
The total number of the records found for this query: 44
Delta Airlines flights out of Logan on September 11, 2001.
DL 09/11/2001 0295 N505DA CVG 6:20
DL 09/11/2001 0355 N665DN DFW 6:04
DL 09/11/2001 0565 N394DA SLC 7:16
DL 09/11/2001 0631 N910DE ATL 6:23
DL 09/11/2001 0915 N177DZ ATL 7:29
DL 09/11/2001 1043 N113DA ATL 8:21
DL 09/11/2001 1823 N3733Z LGA 7:46
DL 09/11/2001 1989 N189DN LAX 8:25 * Almost"hijacked."Landed" at CLE.
DL 09/11/2001 2179 N3737C LGA 6:19
DL 09/11/2001 2351 N316DL MCO 8:13
DL 09/11/2001 2433 N380DL RSW 8:16
DL 09/11/2001 2435 N382DL PBI 8:02
DL 09/11/2001 2545 N324DL FLL 7:13
The total number of the records found for this query: 64
Most of the AA flights appear to be taking place aboard planes with bogus registrations.
An FAA issued N-number must contain five characters - not counting the initial N - and can only contain one or two letters which must be placed at the very end.
The letters O and I are not included
since they are easily confused with the numerals ONE and ZERO.
An N-number can be composed of only numbers
the first numeral after the N CANNOT be zero.
A closer look at these AA 9:11 Logan Departure N-numbers
indicates that most of them are invalid.
AA 09/11/2001 0153 N232AA ORD 8:41
AA 09/11/2001 0189 N3BMAA SEA 8:56
AA 09/11/2001 0269 N636AA SJC 8:09
AA 09/11/2001 0461 N255AA DFW 6:50
AA 09/11/2001 0645 N3BLAA JFK 6:20
AA 09/11/2001 1019 N078AA SJU 7:14
AA 09/11/2001 1135 N2CFAA ORD 7:19
AA 09/11/2001 1547 N321AA MCO 7:39
AA 09/11/2001 1555 N3BBAA ORD 6:03
AA 09/11/2001 1663 N521AA DFW 7:18
AA 09/11/2001 1711 N061AA MIA 6:18
AA 09/11/2001 1757 N3CLAA ORD 7:48
AA 09/11/2001 1811 N2CBAA DCA 6:47
AA 09/11/2001 1857 N630AA DFW 8:30
AA 09/11/2001 1971 N5EPAA SJU 8:34
These are the ONLY legitmate AA operated planes
that departed Logan.
AA 09/11/2001 0461 N255AA DFW 6:50
AA 09/11/2001 1663 N521AA DFW 7:18
AA 09/11/2001 1547 N321AA MCO 7:39
AA 09/11/2001 0269 N636AA SJC 8:09
AA 09/11/2001 1857 N630AA DFW 8:30
AA 09/11/2001 0153 N232AA ORD 8:41
As you can see, the BTS is telling
a completely different story from the media.
Lets see what happens when we run these planes through the FAA n-number registry.
N255AA is Assigned DC-9-82(MD-82) Serial 49287
N521AA is Assigned STEWART MACO FALCON-XP Serial 600128 Undeliverable Triennial
N321AA is Assigned Boeing 767-223 Serial 22322
N636AA is Assigned ALLEVA ANTHONY DRAGONFLY Serial 715 Amateur Built Experimental plane
N630AA is Assigned Boeing 757-223 Serial 24588
N232AA is Assigned DC-9-82(MD-82) Serial 49179
That leaves us with one 737, one 757 and one 767 Boeings,
and two AA operated DC-9s which are operated by Amerian Airlines.
NONE of these planes is alleged to have crashed anywhere on September 11. Furthermore, some early reports charge that the AA flight out of Logan was chartered privately which fact might explain the ommission of Flight 11 from the BTS database.
Let us run the UA planes through the FAA N-number registry.
N526UA is Assigned Boeing 757-222 Serial 24994 MFR 1991
N612UA is Assigned Boeing 767-222 Serial 21873 MFR 1983
N463UA is Assigned AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-232 Serial 1282
N314UA is Assigned Boeing 737-322 Serial 23675
N431UA is Assigned AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-232 Serial 571
N564UA is Assigned Boeing 757-222 Serial 26666 MFR 1992
N433UA is Assigned AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-232 Serial 589
N461UA is Assigned AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-232 Serial 1266
N356UA is Assigned Boeing 737-322 Serial 24362
N556UA is Assigned Boeing 757-222 Serial 26650 MFR 1992
N435UA is Assigned AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A320-232 Serial 613
That leaves us with two 737s, three 757s and one 767
and five Airbus A320-232s which are operated by Unted Airlines.
Only ONE of these planes, N612UA, is alleged to have crashed into the WTC.
I wonder what it was that the Air traffic Control people at Logan put on that tape. It must have been most interesting.
I do declare that this is the first time I have EVER seen union regs supercede national security.
And nary a shop steward in sight.... defence of the Air Traffic Control personnel,
it does not appear,
judging from the info on the BTS database,
that even one hundred flights were scheduled or took off that day.
The US national airspace was practically DEVOID of US domestic air traffic
BEFORE any of the hijackings took place.
I know that the mass media claims that over 4,000 planes
were brought down safely on the morning of September 11, 2001.
I say there were fewer than one thousand flights to start with
and quite possibly less than even five whole hundred.
I bet that no-one here at DU (not even the lurkers)
will be able to demonstrate
that even as many as one whole thousand flights
occupied US contiguous airspace
for the entire 24 hour duration of September 11, 2001.
the mere testimony of public figures such as Norman Mineta,
is not considered valid for the purposes of this wager.
Each flight includes one takeoff and one landing,
unless there exists good reason
as to why a plane either vanished or appeared out of nowhere.
AA domestic flights are particularly prone to this phenomenon, therefore points will be awarded on a case-by-case basis.