The commission says Cheney was evacuated just before 9:36. (Quote 1). ABC news quotes David Bohrer, saying it was just after 9 a.m. (Quote 2) (What ABC news/ David Bohrer says fits with Norman Minetas testimony.)
1) "911 Commission Staff Statement --June 17, 2004 :
News of an incoming aircraft (later discovered to be American 77) prompted the Secret Service to order the evacuation of the Vice President just before 9:36. The Vice President entered the underground tunnel that led to the shelter at 9:37."
2) "Just after 9 a.m. ET on Sept. 11, 2001, Vice President Dick Cheney was in his West Wing office when two or three agents came in and told him "Sir, you have to come with us," according to David Bohrer, a White House photographer who was there.
One of the agents "put his hand on the back of my belt, grabbed me by the shoulder and sort of propelled me down the hallway," Cheney said." ABC news clearly operates with the same timeline as Mineta does. Here is Mineta recalling speaking to Monte Belger (This is before 09:30) :
"Someone came in and said, 'Mr. Vice President, there's a plane out 50 miles,'" Mineta said.
Mineta conferred with Federal Aviation Administration Deputy Chief Monte Belger. "I said … 'Monte, what do you have?'" Mineta said. "He said, 'Well, we're watching this target on the radar, but the transponder's been turned off, so we have no identification.'" in this transcript ( ), the ABC news operates with the same timeline as Mineta. I assume that they have established this timeline based on the statements from all the people they have interviewed for this program.
It seems clear that the "flight 77 countdown" did indeed happen (there was a kind of countdown with flight 93 as well, but not as dramatic, judging from the ABC interviews), and the commission has been fed lies to cover it up, and serves desperate lies about what happened from 9:00 to the Pentagon crash. Seems like what is being covered up is what happened and didn´t happen as flight 77 was coming in...