Has anyone seen these 2 new books yet?
Perhaps there is evidence in these photographs...evidence for a controlled demolition. they are a bit pricey...but I'd love to get them to pour over the photographs! Anyone seen these yet?
AFTERMATH by Joel Meyerowitzhttp://www.amazon.com/Aftermath-World-Trade-Center-Archive/dp/0714846554/sr=8-1/qid=1168797928/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/105-1123165-0484418?ie=UTF8&s=booksThis book is by the only photographer who was allowed full access to Ground Zero...he stayed there for 9 months and took thousands of photographs that have never before been published...
AFTERMATH: Unseen 9/11 Photos by a New York City Cop by John Botte http://www.amazon.com/Aftermath-Unseen-Photos-York-City/dp/0060789719/sr=8-3/qid=1168797928/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3/105-1123165-0484418?ie=UTF8&s=books"Asked by the police commissioner to document the aftermath, Botte spent countless hours at Ground Zero in the moments, days, and weeks following the attacks, and was given privileged access to the behind-the-scenes rescue and recovery efforts of 9/11."