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Webster G. Tarpley - Peace Movement Must Embrace 9/11 Truth

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reprehensor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 03:15 PM
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Webster G. Tarpley - Peace Movement Must Embrace 9/11 Truth

The Rock Creek Free Press
Week of January 27, 2007 - P.8


by Webster G. Tarpley

The escalation announced in Bush’s January 10 television speech was much bigger than many expected: the threats he made against Iran and Syria threaten a wider US aggression, quite possibly carried out with nuclear weapons. In addition to his 21,000 extra GIs, Bush is sending an additional carrier battle group and Patriot missiles to the Gulf. Admiral Fallon, the new Centcom commander, is a carrier admiral trained in air attacks, not land warfare. John “Death Squads” Negroponte, Rice’s new deputy at the State Department, is said to be assembling a team of private contractors to prepare the attack on Iran. Russian intelligence reports indicate that there are four US missile-firing submarines in the Gulf. The London Sunday Times says that the Israeli air force is actively drilling for a sneak attack on Iranian military facilities at Natanz, Isfahan, and Bushehr. The ING international banking group is telling its clients that the Israelis may attack Iran in February or March. February 17 or March 18, the preferred sneak attack times of the new moon, may thus mark the beginning of a regional Middle East war, a war tending to slide into World War III.


...Peace activists often ask why the 9/11 truth movement insists on making the truth about terrorism a central component of anti-war agitation. One answer is that we bring up 9/11 frequently because Bush and Cheney do – they incessantly parrot slogans about the “global war on terror” and “the lessons of 9/11.” Bush claims that he is fighting terrorists in Iraq so that the US will not have to fight them over here. He raves that, if US forces pull out of Iraq, the terrorists will follow them back home and launch attacks on US territory. There can be no doubt that 9/11 is the foundation of Bush’s castle of warmonger lying – the fountainhead, motivation, and legitimation of the entire policy of unilateral aggression. To ignore the centrality of 9/11 to Bush’s every move is like trying to fight Hitler without mentioning anti-Semitism. Attacks on Bush that do not include 9/11 truth are simply impotent, and will not be effective.


The vast majority of the American people have repudiated Bush’s demagogy of war and terror. Back in October, a CBS-New York Times poll showed that 81% of Americans – including the most benighted and backward Republican strongholds – thought that the US government was either hiding something or mostly lying about the events of 9/11. This extraordinary shift in public opinion reflects the success of the 9/11 truth movement over the past five years. This shift explains why the Bush-Rove demagogy of terror, which had traction in 2002 and 2004, simply did not work in 2006. It was only under these conditions that the Republican machine could be defeated. In this broad sense, the 9/11 truth movement was a critical component in creating the climate of opinion for Bush’s defeat at the polls in November 2006. The challenge is now to bring US institutions – the political parties, the media, academia, etc. – into line with what the American people have already understood.


Only 12% of Americans support a surge in the abstract, but once Bush is brought into the question, support rises to almost one third – about 31%. Many of these are persons who are sincerely terrified by the notion of al Qaeda and Bin Laden as malevolent forces that want to come to their communities and kill them. Unless and until this belief can be challenged, these persons will continue to support Bush and his promises to protect them from the terrorists. (We note in passing that these persons have been shamefully betrayed by the leading left-liberal intellectuals, including Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, and The Nation magazine, all of whom obsessively parrot the Bush propaganda line.) These persons are largely impervious to antiwar and related arguments about genocide, torture at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, illegal rendition, wiretapping, surveillance, police-state totalitarianism, and related issues, which they dismiss with the comment that these are the necessities of self-defense forced upon the United States by an unprovoked attack by foreign terrorists. The only way to attrit and erode Bush’s hard-core base of support is to bring home the leading facts of 9/11 truth: the 9/11 attacks did not emerge from the world of Bin Laden, Atta, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the laptop, and the cave in Pushtunistan; they were a deliberate war provocation and coup d’etat launched by the invisible government or rogue network which infests the highest levels of the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, DIA, and other military and security agencies, all for the purpose of starting the War of Civilizations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Syria and Iran. These are revelations of the greatest explosive power, capable of tearing apart Bush’s political base and opening the way for impeachment and removal from office. They are also capable of defeating the Hillary Clinton-Lieberman-Rahm Emmanuel-Lantos-Stenny Hoyer warmonger wing of the Democratic Party, removing the sabotage of impeachment from that quarter...

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greyl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 03:18 PM
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1. I think he's got that backwards. nt
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tenseconds Donating Member (237 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 11:09 PM
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2. warning
I attended a peace demonstration in a nearby community close to where I live..I was utterly taken back by the level of denial about the truth of 9-11 by the group as a whole. These insular middle class security driven people haven't a clue..
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