I added the following comment:
This is clever and funny. Thank you.
It tells us nothing about 9/11, of course.
If you're honest, you will now recall and admit that, in the sixth and final movie ("Part 3"), George Lucas himself lays out an inside-job scenario very similar to what skeptics of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory believe.
Chancellor Palpatine arranges a false-flag terror attack on the capital, blaming it on the Jedi sect, so as to launch a war on them and roll back the constitutional republic.
As one review put it: "I couldn’t believe my eyes. Star Wars III – Revenge of the Sith is a 9/11 truth movie..."
http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20050523120138581Lucas's space opera version of inside-job theory has something in common with almost every known, historically established case of false-flag domestic state terrorism: It worked.
The reality may be obvious to some. The details may come out later for historians to write up. But for those who plot the crime, it usually pays off.
And future generations of state criminals learn the lesson: Crime can pay, when you're the sherriff.