Never - for any PNAC goals.
See: at the Mexican border more people died while trying to have a better life than in the whole time of its existance at the Berlin wall. But: they were Mexicans or other latinos.
Never. Except it would happen to be necessary for fredom. Like in the Vietnam war. But they were soldiers.
Never. Except the president decides otherwise:
"We think differently because this is a nation that loves our freedom, loves our country. And this is a nation that has got citizens who are willing to sacrifice for a cause greater than themselves. .... to sacrifice for the greatest nation.... a difference to those queer arabs who kill temselves for getting the U.S.Army out. A great nation is really different in comparison with those shabby huts.
The great nation is so grateful for the sacrifice. Bur if the oil revenues do not flow as gently as planned, some of the soldiers have to suffer Walter Reid conditions. But what is "neglect and Frustration" in comparison to a cause greater than themselves ? - they were soldiers.
But never ever the Bush administration would sacrifice innocent civilians. Except it were necessary like the utterly needed "catastrophic event" that PNAC was longing for to have a cause to transform the military, the country and the world. It was only 9/11, on 7/7 in London it was only Brits. So: compare it with the cause greater than themselves.