International Harry Schultz Life Strategies Letter < > of January 21, 2007 begins with the now famous conspiracy quotation from David Rockefeller at the secret Bilderburger conference in Baden-Baden Germany in 1991: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, NY Times, Time magazine & other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings & respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated & prepared to march towards a world govt. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite & world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
"Frankly, dear, dear readers of mine, I fear we've lost the game. The insiders have won. They now control all the levers of power, financial & political. Many good men in public office are prohibited by the system from reforming it. Commercial, media & political power is concentrated in just a few elite hands. I've (& others) warned (loudly) for decades in HSL what was happening & what would occur if nothing was done. People were lulled into lethargy via careful massive brain conditioning became content to watch TV 7 hours a day, accepted the misdeeds of politicians, the raging moral degradation of society, the creation of media/corp monopolies, the ruin of money worldwide--begun (via careful plan) by Washington/NY insiders.
"People blamed inflation for their 50% loss of buying power in last 35 years, not realizing the definition of inflation is an increase in the quantity of money/credit by banks/govt, equally. They cleverly removed gold as currency backing to give them monetary control. There is now no legal restraint on govt. Govt distorts economic data
& everyone knows it, but the kept-press is kept silent & thus nobody marches in the street about their life being sacrificed on the altar of globalization--offshoring jobs--the lie called 'free trade,' which in fact means the opposite, like all govt legislation titles. Eg, Patriot Act is unpatriotic if still believe the US Constitution has merit & is a lighthouse for other nations. The minority who understand all the above are mostly afraid to make waves--which is also part of the grand scheme, to intimidate or buy-off critics. ... Today, with the devilish North American Union being cemented into the US & Canada's future, the sabotage of freedom, both individual & collective, is being completed.
"Will individual/personal freedom & former civil rights come back some day? Maybe. Perhaps the extremity will lead to its destruction. But, if so, we have to get through a worse period before we get there, if we do. And to get through it requires a lot of effort, especially if live in the US in its present mode; many are leaving the US until it is 'safe' to return. Washington has become an imperial govt with the public regarded as peasants, & the laws have been changed to match. Everything is a crime if civil servants wish to use existing laws. Changing presidents doesn't change new laws. Washington is Rome. Caesars come & go, each inheriting & demanding greater powers than his predecessor. (US Pres. Executive Powers now total 12K, upsetting the system's balance of power).
Too many people within the truth movement have this fatalistic attitude that what's coming is not worth living through. The fact is, most will live through it whether they like it or not. They might wish they WERE dead, but THEY WON'T BE DEAD and they will have to cope. So, it is better to prepare to cope and have some skills to cope with than simply wait for the coming war and loss of national sovereignty. One of those skills is to be able to handle the tremendous stress that will inevitable accompany the breakdown of the social order.
I have the rest of the newsletter if any one wants it pm me