Why, thanks! I didn't know you cared.
I just wanted to sum up the basic idea of my own view, and retyped the quoted paragraph about five times. But that's the basic premise: Bushian incompetence allowed the attacks to happen, along with their braggadocio.
The number one miscalculation by the Bushistas: they didn't feel that Al Qaeda could nut them the way they did. Bush didn't just come up with "Bring it on," for the Iraqi resistance. It's his whole philosophy, and he badly misjudged the ability of Al Qaeda to attack America. His comment about firing a expensive missile into a $10 tent and hitting a camel in the butt was a slam on Al Qaeda just as much as it was against Bill Clinton - that's the way he sees them. And if Al Qaeda did pull off some kind of attack, well, then we get to punch them back, and that's more military in the Persian Gulf.
The incoming administration was explicitly warned about Al Qaeda and their capabilities and they drug their feet on doing something about it - that was Clinton-era policy, and Bush was the anti-Clinton.
Since Al Qaeda was something only Bill Clinton could be afraid of, BushCo concentrated most fiercely on finding a way to invade Iraq, their real goal. All I remember from the Bush team from the moment the election was decided was the incredible fix for energy our country was in. They were trying to build a domestic case for invading Iraq. Conservation won't do it - we need the oil in ANWR, we need the oil wherever we can get it, because (and this is the truth) our economy is based heavily on oil. Oil fuels our military, fuels the cars, justifies the interstate system and other roads. Oil provides jobs - the car builders, the road builders, the salesmen, the service stations, the truckers, railroad, airliners, etc. I'd say 75-80% of our economy is heavily endebted to the flow of oil, and I pulled that figure out of my behind - it's just my guess. Whoever controls the oil controls America, and that's no lie.
This is why Saddam had to go. He was a potential threat to the entire nation going belly up, and it's because of something called the
global oil production peak.
http://www.hubbertpeak.com/summary.htmThe Hubbert Peak for World Oil
It is widely accepted that oil is a finite resource; there are basic laws which describe the depletion of any finite resource:
* Production starts at zero;
* Production then rises to a peak which can never be surpassed;
* Once the peak has been passed, production declines until the resource is depleted.
These simple rules were first described in the 1950s by Dr. M. King Hubbert, and apply to any relevant system, including the depletion of the world’s petroleum resources.
The rate of production of a natural resource can be plotted on a graph against time. This gives a picture of the lifetime of that resource…

Figure 1
This graph depicts world oil production to date.
The vertical line indicates the probable midpoint of depletion as identified by Campbell.
It is important to note that the point of maximum production (known as the Hubbert Peak) tends to coincide with the midpoint of depletion of the resource under consideration. In the case of oil, this means that when we reach the Hubbert Peak,
we will have used half of all the recoverable oil that ever existed on our planet.Hubbert predicted the US oil production peak (the production peak of oil within the lands of the United States). It happened in the late 70's. Remember the late 70's? The corporations freaked and started scaring the consumers into the fold of Reagan. Gas lines, OPEC, all of that? From that point on, control of the remaining supplies of oil was paramount to corporate and US interests. The stakes are this high because we as a nation are a nation of oil junkies. If we were to be deprived of our national drug, the withdrawal pains would shake this nation apart.
the Reagan-Bush administrations installed and maintained a Punch-and-Judy show in the Middle East to keep the region unstable and provide a supremacy for their very own Saudi Arabian interests - the Iran-Iraq war. They supplied both Iran and Iraq with weapons and intelligence, and Iraq with a thug, a Beast Rabbon if you will, for a leader. Saddam, however, turned on his benefactors at the close of the Iraq-Iran war, and he became the problem to eliminate, which is what the Bushistas wanted. Now they had an potent excuse to invade Iraq and gain control of the oil fields.
Bush the Elder tried to draw the game to a close in the first Gulf War. Whoops, we gave Saddam permission to invade?? How naughty of us! But at the time, Bush wasn't allowed to go further. And things got so bad at home, that Bush the Elder wasn't going to get a second term to finish Saddam off. Fine, BushCo thought. They'd put the Beast in a box (sanctions), regroup, and take over the government after Clinton's second term - the technology bubble was easy to see coming, and whoever was President in 1996 could choose his successor (Clinton, naturally, chose himself). Then with the government fully in hand in 2000, they could grab Iraq away from the idiot they left in charge, use the controlling interest in the world's second largest oil reserve to finally bring Saudi Arabia to a weaker position at the OPEC table, and then clamp down on Egypt to gain control of the Suez Canal, which is the bottleneck for oil distribution to the West.
“Iraq is the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot, Egypt the prize.”
All in time for the coming global oil production peak, which right now is calculated to occur sometime in the first decade of the twenty-first century. Any day now, in other words.
So Iraq had to go. And the "towelheads" that Clinton was concerned about? They got shoved to the back burner.
Meanwhile back in Afghanistan, Osama saw it all happening. He saw the ruling family of his homeland selling their souls to the devil. He had enough contacts with the old country to run interference for operatives, and to supply them with funds (mostly donated from supporters). And he saw that Bush underestimated him. Suddenly the surveillance, harsh under Clinton, was GONE. It was next to nothing. In this new freedom, he carried out a deadly attack on America, using the diplomatic protection given to Saudis by the Bushes as shelter for his organization's movements. Why? Because he didn't want the United States turning Saudi Arabia into MeccaDonaldLand. He tried to throw a wrench into the machinery.
But within hours of the attack, Rumsfeld had Iraq in his OUT box. The game was afoot. Al Qaeda had "brought it on," and now they could be dealt with while getting into position for the Iraq invasion.
But more incompetence awaited the Bush team: they thought Saddam was still stocking WMD, when he was actually destroying them. They also thought that Al Qaeda and Saddam had to have ties - it's what they would have done, after all. But Al Qaeda had no interest in the secular Arabic nationalist, thought I believe Saddam would have cooperated with them in a heartbeat, had they wanted to. And now the resistance in Iraq is running around blowing up rival clerics and knocking loose a body bag a day or more from American forces. And still the bastard says, "Bring it on."
They have been played as fools from day one. It's their nimrod hardons that got us into this godawful mess, but they keep striving for the prize, because then they can write the history books. Then they'll be the second coming of George Washington.
Now am I a oonspiracy cool kid, or what?