Some comments on">the article quoted in the O.P.:
Let's say you go along with the idea that WTC 7 collapsed because of normal fires, and Hani Hanjour went from an incompetent idiot to a highly skilled pilot
Actually, the usual claim I've seen is not that Hani Hanjour ever became a "highly skilled pilot" (beyond what was necessary to obtain his license, which he eventually did) but that his maneuvers on 9/11 didn't actually require much skill, just recklessness. I've seen quite a bit of debate over how much skill he needed in order to do what he did. Not being a pilot myself, I'm in no position to evaluate these arguments.
You should still join forces with the 9/11 truth movement and here's why.
Because the government is still to blame, and you are still being constantly lied to. Nothing was done to prevent these attacks. No one has been held responsible for massive errors that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans and consequently hundreds of thousands of deaths of human beings since then.
As I've said many times here, the 9/11 Truth movement is not primarily about any "theories." It's primarily about calling for a truly independent investigation (like what the 9/11 Commission was supposed to be) and holding people in the government accountable.
President Bush is constantly telling you the terrorists attacked us because you are so free and they hate that.
Indeed, Al Qaeda has made specific demands having to do with U.S foreign policy.
The administration had no interest in investigating these attacks. The Jersey girls forced this government to have a 9/11 commission. A commission that refused to assign blame and was just another cover-up. The co chairmen of the commission admitted that they were lied to under oath by the military and decided to do nothing about it.
Condoleezza Rice and President Bush both said that "no one in this administration nor the prior one could have imagined taking planes and flying them into buildings". This is another lie. In fact they did imagine it, and actually practiced it.
Flying planes into buildings was an idea of Ramzi Yousef and Abdul Murad who were arrested in 1995. Their computer was seized and a treasure trove of information was discovered on it, including manifestos that explained why they hate America. It was the American government and it's foreign policy that they hated, it wasn't your freedom.
Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi were two 9/11 hijackers that were being monitored by the CIA. They were known mujihaden. The CIA deliberately let them into the USA. And then you are supposed to believe they unfortunately lost track of them. The CIA is not supposed to do surveillance inside the USA and as we all know the last thing in the world the CIA would do is break any law, so they were supposed to notify the FBI to pick up the surveillance. Well, it is claimed that they thought they did but the FBI wasn't notified. You are also supposed to believe that there was a "wall" preventing the FBI and the CIA from sharing information. Another lie. The counterintelligence unit at the CIA was staffed by CIA and FBI. Out of the 300 million people that reside in the USA these two ended up having a landlord that they lived with coincidently being an FBI informant who supposedly didn't inform the FBI about them.
(For that last point, a reference is given to">this CBS News story. We are also referred to page 38/141 of the">DOJ OIG report (PDF).)
All excellent points above.
"Truthers" need to be responsible as well. Accusing reporters of "being in on it" because they don't like what they reported at the pentagon is outageous and irresponsible, some claims by so called truthers are just outrageous. Sure there are preposterous claims by some who claim to be "truthers" and I don't believe everything said in the name of 9/11 truth because anyone can claim anything in the name of 9/11 truth.
Also an important point.