"The New York Times ran a piece about it," said Gutfield. "They interviewed the producer -- the producer described the actor, the actor believes this stuff, that the actor is well-read, very passionate about it.
"They say this sort of thing about conspiratorialists all the time, but they never say these people are idiots, they're mentally ill, they shouldn't be treated with respect.
"It's an insult to people that were victims of 9/11 and their families. It's an insult to firefighters. I am surprised they are doing this."
http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Fox_host_911_truthers_are_mentally_0205.html">Fox host: 9/11 truthers are 'mentally ill'
Where was the Bush/Cheney respect for the victims? Ignored warnings. Impeded investigations. Dereliction of duty. Exploitation of the victims for political gain.
Why are government officials held to such a pathetically low standard of conduct?