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Tennessee, Controlled Demolition, 9/11, and the Global Drug Trade

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captainjack08 Donating Member (137 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 03:32 AM
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Tennessee, Controlled Demolition, 9/11, and the Global Drug Trade
Edited on Sun May-17-09 04:24 AM by captainjack08
A few interesting vectors crossing through the state of Tennessee since 9/11

First there is the story about the terrorists who supposedly infiltrated the Tennessee DMV to get fake ID. And one of whom later got a basement level pass into the World Trade Center:

Were these guys really in on a plot to bomb the basement of the WTC? Or were they simply being made to look that way? Positioned and framed to give that appearance?

Controlled Demolition International
Mark Loizeaux and his family are involved in the Controlled Demolition business and the family business is named Controlled Demolition International. Mark Loizeaux graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1971.

Loizeaux was called in to finish off the collapse of the Murrah building after it was bombed by McVeigh.

"Despite its sad context, the demolition of the Murrah building was judged a great success, "surpassing all expectations," said Doug Loizeaux, vice president of Controlled Demolition Inc. of Phoenix, Md. The firm has razed earthquake-damaged buildings in Mexico City, Scud missile launchers in Hungary and the Dunes Hotel in Las Vegas."

Loizeaux and his CDI company were also called in to do cleanup after 9/11.

Service Master of Knoxville Tennesse
And ServiceMaster of Tennessee was called in to clean up the Pentagon area after 9/11 according to this DU thread

Servicemaster just recently moved its HQ to Tennesse from Chicago.

Bill Frist and Tennessee Search and Rescue Teams at the Pentagon

Then there were the Israelis spies supposedly picked up in Tennessee and found near a Nuclear Services site.

Were they spying or being spied on by something going on in Tennesse? Tennessee seems to have been one of the nodes of activity for the Israeli Art students along with Texas and Florida and Oklahoma and a few other mostly red states.

DEA reports say that the the Israeli art students were up to something in the months before 9/11 but like everyone else colluding in 9/11 they remain vague about what that was. The DEA of course would be watching the Israelis since some have had major involvement of supplying ecstasy to the USA. In the U.S. 75% of the ecstasy that comes into this country is from suppliers in Belgium and Netherlands which then enters the United States by way of Canada. (which might explain in part why John McCain and Janet Napolitano have blamed Canada for the 9/11 terrorists entering the USA by way of Canada by accidently or purposely confusing Canada with other elements of 9/11 that were involved with the drug trade... see Daniel Hopsicker's stories about Atta's Florida flight school heroin busts and connections to europe)

""Canada is the major supplier of MDMA in the United States," said Barbara Wetherell, a spokeswoman for the Drug Enforcement Administration in Washington. She was using the chemical abbreviation for the synthetic drug more commonly known as Ecstasy."

"Antonio Nicaso of Toronto, an author and expert in Canadian organized crime, said Canada was among the world's top three producers of Ecstasy, (the other two are Belgium and the Netherlands) which is smuggled all over the world, but the principal market for Canadian producers is the United States."

"Canada is for Ecstasy what Colombia is for cocaine," Nicaso said. "It's a very profitable commodity."

"Wetherell said that in 2005-2006 Canada started replacing Belgium and the Netherlands as the primary source country for Ecstasy in the United States. The street price for Ecstasy can range from $15 a tablet to $30, depending on where in the country it is sold, she said."

"How did Israel become a central player in this dubious game? The explanation is apparently historical in character. A report of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) explains, in understated language, that "Israeli drug traffickers, perhaps thanks to their long-standing ties in Antwerp, continue to be the major elements in the transfer of large shipments of Ecstasy from Belgium ." Underlying this cautious formulation is the assumption that Israeli mobsters have been operating for years in Belgium, mainly in diamond smuggling, and that when the country became a source of Ecstasy production in Europe and Antwerp became the drug's major export hub to the U.S., Israeli criminals naturally became involved. After all, they were already there. "

"So the smart move for ecstasy dealers is to import their product from the Netherlands, the longtime epicenter of the drug's production (although, according to the U.S. State Department, Belgium and Poland are becoming manufacturing hotspots, too). In 2001, the DEA estimated that 80 percent of the U.S. ecstasy supply originated in the Netherlands, with Israeli organized crime playing a key role in the smuggling process."

So were Israelis involved with 9/11 as more than just spies? Were they in on it? Or were they simply co-opted and blackmailed into silence by their involvement in the drug trade which was also the involvement of some of the 9/11 hijackers who trained at Wally Hilliard's drug flight school. Or was American intelligence being blackmailed into silence by its involvement with the drug trade? Or at some high up level is there some type of collusion going on with all parties?

Also interesting.... Tennessee also seems to be home to a few supposed CIA mind control abductees and sex slaves who have made the circuits over the years like Cathy O'Brien and Kathleen Sullivan telling stories about how the CIA has abducted and abused them in top secret operations around the world. Interesting books filled with an odd mix of truth and obvious fabrications. The feeling you get reading the books is that they were designed to a) dissociate responsibility of actions from oneself to a myriad of alternate personalities, B) put responsibilities for these covert ops undertaken by the MC victims on the CIA.

"In UNSHACKLED: A SURVIVOR'S STORY OF MIND CONTROL, Sullivan delivers a first-hand account of her experiences as part of an underground criminal network that includes Intelligence personnel, military personnel, doctors and mental health professionals contracted by the military and the CIA, criminal cult leaders and members, pedophiles, pornographers, drug dealers and Nazis. "'Brien

U.S./Canadian ties to secretive mind control operations go way back to the days of CIA use of Ewen Cameron to experiment on his patients in mind control and psychic driving.

And there is an entire cottage industry devoted to exposing the CIA and Canadian government's collaborations in these abuses by those who may well themselves have been a part of those abuses. Many of them are likely angry that the top leadership has no problem locking up subordinates for what the guy at the top ordered him to do. Like John DeCamp's(involved with Operation Phoenix) Franklin Coverup book and Colin Ross' (Canadian/CIA Psychiatrist?) Bluebird book, these two books by Sullivan and O'Brien are written with the help of their CIA and US Army connected husbands.

After the shaft that was just given to the Abu Ghraib guards and interrogators who were ordered by Cheney and Rumsfeld to torture people it must seem necessary to participants in CIA secret programs that they may need a device for covering there own asses of involvement when the Dick Cheney's and Rumsfelds of the world decide to heap the entire responsibility for the crimes being done on the heads of the subordinates. As mentioned above, that might be why there is such a desperate push among these Mind Control/Ritual Abuse type groups to push the theme all across the internet that people can be completely controlled by the CIA and made to do things against their will. That the CIA can split a mind into fragments that don't know what the other parts of the mind are up to. In essence divest themselves of all guilt and responsibility for the part they played in government crimes. I won't claim to know how the mind works.. but this is the battle that has been raging between the CIA, the U.S. government and its rejected operatives for decades. And many of these stories seem purposely kept just below the radar of full exposure by deliberately sliming them up with Aliens, Anti-Semitism and tales of Satanism.

"An avian influenza virus that has caused three major outbreaks among poultry and killed several people in East Asia over the past seven years arose through a series of genetic reassortment events with other viruses. This study finding, by scientists from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, the People's Republic of China, China's Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia, is published in the July 8 online edition of Nature." July 2004

"Webster is the director of the WHO's U.S. Collaborating Center at St. Jude that studies animal influenza viruses. It is the only WHO laboratory that focuses on the transmission of animal viruses to humans."

After a fairly long running and prominent battle with the Dutch in the Netherlands which has a prominent chemicals industry, and its take over of the city of Clearwater Florida(where Mohammad Atta supposedly practised flying planes) the church of Scientology is becoming a force to reckon with in Tennessee. Like Arabs, Israelis, Germans and U.S. intelligence, Scientology also has a strange habit of showing up in places with ties to 9/11. American Scientology is of course known for its hysterical hate of drugs and pharmaceutical usage. Of course the United States could solve many of its drug problems by decriminalizing certain drugs and possibly regulating them rather than treating the entire goddamn thing as a war on criminals. Treat it as health and addiction issue.

A lot going on in Tennesssee lately.

And as another interesting historical footnote... Pulaski, Tennessee is where the KKK was born in 1865.

None of these things are necessarily directly connected but interesting none the less.
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 09:07 PM
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captainjack08 Donating Member (137 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-19-09 01:18 AM
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2. Where's the love?
Edited on Tue May-19-09 01:19 AM by captainjack08
This is not a popular thread.

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captainjack08 Donating Member (137 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 12:07 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Please adopt a lonely thread.
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able1 Donating Member (97 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 07:48 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. Maybe that's because not many people know much about it

I know a lot about parts of it but I'm not sure it's safe to talk about it here.
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captainjack08 Donating Member (137 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-21-09 02:11 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. If you're not comfortable, don't sweat it
Because there are already multiple blogs I've been reading starting to talk about these things and some of it is even starting to seep into the news.

Thought I'd give the pup a friend for this lonely thread.
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