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three articles about 911

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varun Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 06:44 PM
Original message
three articles about 911,1413,101~6267~1624389,00.html#

Remember 9/11?
...When Mr. Bush invaded Afghanistan and toppled its government of religious fanatics it seemed like a good start, but we were disappointed when Mr. bin Laden got away, and puzzled by the administration's kid-glove treatment of Saudi Arabia, home of most of the hijackers, and of Pakistan, nuclear-armed backer of the Taliban. Clearly, these are our enemies. Why do we not confront them?

The president did not explain. Instead, he focused on Iraq. This made even less sense. Saddam Hussein, for all his faults, was no friend of Mr. bin Laden, whom he viewed as a rival. In the increasingly incredible rationales for war, in the steamroller campaign at the United Nations where Mr. Bush alienated our postwar allies and wrecked half a century of collective security arrangements, we detected a private vendetta against a rival clan, the hidden hand of the oil men who bankrolled his campaigns and have now sunk their pipelines into the U.S. Treasury, and a cynical strategy for election victory in 2002....

...So, why after 730 days do we know so little about what really happened that day?

No one knows where the alleged mastermind of the attack is, and none of his accomplices has been convicted of any crime. We're not even sure if the 19 people identified by the U.S. government as the suicide hijackers are really the right guys.

Who put deadly anthrax in the mail? Where were the jet fighters that were supposed to protect America's skies that morning? And what was the role of our supposed allies Saudi Arabia and Pakistan?

There are dozens of unanswered questions about the 2001 attacks, but we've narrowed them down to 20 - or 9 plus 11....
Terror's Disconnect

Two years after 9/11, the Bush administration's war on terror seems riven by a stunning disconnect. Why does the White House, which insisted on tying Iraq to Al Qaeda with the flimsiest shreds of evidence, ignore a growing array of facts pointing to two other countries' support of Al Qaeda? Why does Bush, having dispensed with all diplomatic niceties in declaring Iraq, Iran and North Korea charter members in "the axis of evil," refuse to call a spade a spade in Saudi Arabia and, to a lesser extent, Pakistan? ...
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 08:27 PM
Response to Original message
1. Why are the Saudi hijackers still alive?
Why do all the Pentagon survivors have fire-resistant hair?

Why do you want to invade TWO more countries?

And Pakistan HELPED the US in Afghanistan.
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