populations....napalm and agent orange (a defoliating herbicide, where NOTHING ever grows again after use, it just removes everything and keeps on poisoning forever, including poisoning human beings near the area sprayed, and through soils movements for years, and in drinking waters and bathing waters that flow through the contaminated areas, and wells downstream from contaminated areas....nasty stuff...even our soldiers got serious contaminated, causing a plethora of serious lifelong medical problems, one of which is diabetes, other hormonal disfunctions, and genetic defects...the weapons that just keep on giving, both here and in other unfortunate countries)
it is shameful, and it should be stopped....and there are many more chemical weapons that aren't talked about publically because they are too shameful for civilized society like ours...no one will discuss these other chemicals, until years later when OUR soldiers remain deformed, disfigured, and degraded, and we wonder what did that, then, maybe they'll mention it...
we need a President who is willing to stop wars and work for peace...who will seek to eliminate nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons...who will stop the hemorraging of our money (and our childrens futures) into massive and unneccessary making and using more vicious weapons...
we need a President who will be PROUD to work for PEACE at every level of government and shift American talent and efforts into WORLD PEACE....force all those Pentagon KILLERs to find new careers...
we need a leader to step us and WORK for PEACE, all the time....
BOOT bush* in 2004