Y'know, you guys are fucking amazing. You think that when you're confronted on your goofy CT bullshit, you can prove your goofy CT bullshit with more goofy CT bullshit. Do you ever stop fantasizing long enough to try to falsify your own goofy claims?
You can produce all the one-off witnesses you want saying whatever you want, but the fatal flaw is when you try to harmonize that with the physical evidence and it just won't fit. Again:
If JFK was hit from the front, where's the exit wound? Are you claiming that tiny hole in his back is the exit wound? If not and you admit it is clearly an entrance wound, then where is the exit wound that corresponds to the entry wound? Hint: it's the hole in his throat. If you claim they are both entry wounds and there is no exit wound at all, then produce a single x-ray that shows 2 bullets in JFK. Hint: you can't.
Secondly, look at the readily available photos and videos of that day. Note the relative position of the occupants of the limo. Then kindly explain how a bullet could have possibly hit Kennedy from the front without striking any of the other occupants of the car. It's clear that Connally and JFK were both hit by the same bullet before the fatal JFK headshot. So, if Connally was hit first, why is the entrance hole in his back? Are you claiming that the bullet traversed Connally's body, exited in front of him, then did a u-turn and hit JFK in the throat? Please explain this in detail.
Third, please provide some sort of documentation (not just your wild claims) concerning the replacement of the windshield. Giving a name or two, then demanding that we Google them is laughable. Let me make sure I get this straight. You're demanding that WE prove YOUR claims. Are you fucking serious?
Please explain the multitude of photos taken of the limo immediately upon its arrival at Parkland. They show a crack, not a hole. Do you expect us to believe that a bullet would pass through the windshield and only crack it? Have you guys ever even read the fucking Warren Report? If you have, why do you make such wildly implausible claims? Here's a link to a number of pictures taken of the limo in front of Parkland Hospital, while the doctors inside were furiously trying to save JFK's life, not perform a detailed autopsy. Can you please point out to us where the "bullet hole" is? Can you provide a single picture with a sullet hole in the windshield? You can't? Well, then please spare us more of your CT bullshit.
http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.php%3Faz%3Dshow_topic%26forum%3D3%26topic_id%3D82475%26mesg_id%3D82475%26listing_type%3Dsearch&usg=__mFZGNLkLxCCSDchOTvfwZ9GjLkE=&h=727&w=1024&sz=86&hl=en&start=14&sig2=6-Kp6qkeAVlIEzUkEwhtiQ&itbs=1&tbnid=huZ_fDeg5s4p9M:&tbnh=106&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJFK%2Blimo%2Bin%2Bfront%2Bof%2BParkland%2BHospital%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff&ei=YtBXS83EIpa6tAPIk4jGBwIf you claim that Greer claimed there was a bullet hole in the windshield, can you please direct us to where and when he supposedly said it? Did he say it in his testimony to the Warren Commission? He didn't? So, you expect us to believe he omitted a crucial detail like that to the Warren Commission?
I am begging you to please stop embarrassing DU with your goofy CT bullshit. I'm also asking you to do a little bit of thinking and stop posting bullshit that couldn't possibly be true.