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Need help placing the Sec of the Navy and Transportion, on 9/11

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mikelewis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 12:56 AM
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Need help placing the Sec of the Navy and Transportion, on 9/11

Within minutes of the 2nd plane hit, the coast guard had authorization to mobile a Reserve call up. Admiral Loy knew instantly that this was a terrorist attack and called the "Secretary" to seek approval to call up Reserves.


Q: Were you watching the second plane here?

ADM Loy: I did watch the second plane hit the tower. In the meantime we had dismissed these folks who were here for some discussions about our project on Deep Water {Vance Coffman who's the CEO of Lockheed Martin Corporation was this person dismissed} and I rallied the right players here to the office; the Vice Commandant and the Chief of "O" and the Chief of "M" to begin the thinking process of what do we do next. It was interesting; two very, very important calls almost within minutes of each other. The first was to find the Secretary who had been pulled from his office almost immediately and taken over to join the Vice President - as you remember the President was traveling - to join the Vice President in the secure spaces in the White House to deal with the aviation piece of this. { hahahahahahaha sorry, I thought he was joking} I was able to get over into that secure space telephonically {telephonically? what?"} and seek his permission on a Reserve call up, which we instituted immediately. He, of course, has Title 14 authority to call up reservists on what is usually termed "domestic emergencies", and your thinking patterns usually go to hurricanes and floods and that kind of thing. But in this instance it was absolutely invaluable. Within seconds I had his authority to go ahead and begin the Reserve call up.


What Secretary is Admiral Loy referring to? There are only 3 Secretaries that have Title 14 authority over the Coast Guard: the Secretary of the Navy when the Coast Guard is performing a mission that is under the control of the Navy, the Secretary of Transportation and the Secretary of Defense. If we can somehow ascetain that the Secretary is Rumsfeld we can establish Rumsfeld knew about the nature of the attacks immediately after 175 hit the second tower and that he was not out to lunch.

The current info on Rummy's actions that day;

"“We investigated very carefully Mr. Rumsfeld’s actions,” said Hamilton. “He was having breakfast with Congressional leaders, and they hear a plane has hit the Pentagon, and he runs out.”

“He had to have been told before the Pentagon was hit that two trade centers were hit and the country was under attack,” I suggested.

Was the commission comfortable with the fact that the country’s Secretary of Defense was not in the chain of command or present in the Pentagon’s command center until all four suicide hijacked planes were down?

“I’m not going to answer that question,” said Hamilton, and turned away.

I would like to establish the location of the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of Transportation. See if we can find out which one of them was whisked off to the command center with Cheney. It's probably the Sec of the Navy, I just can't find any link to this. I was also thinking that it may have been Rummy as well since there are only 3, wouldn't it be great if the other 2 were in Chile or Mongolia? This would be a bit hard to explain based up the 9/11 commissions idea of where Rummy should have been.

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purduejake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 01:07 AM
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1. So something is not clicking...
but what do you think that means or could mean?
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mikelewis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 01:40 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Don't know yet, just digging really... this is sworn testimony that proves
someone authorized a reserve call-up. It also is sworn testimony that at least 1 Admiral knew this was a terrorist attack underweigh. I'm just looking to put the players in the right place and then see what doesn't make sense.
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mikelewis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 02:05 AM
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3. It doesn't appear to be the Sec. of the Navy so this leave Sec of Tran or.

In the aftermath of the plane flying into the Pentagon and my being able to get in touch with my folks in the Navy Yard, I found out that the CNO, the VCNO and the Secretary of the Navy - the Undersecretary I believe was out of town - were all being taken to the Navy Yard by their personal security detachments - which all work for me in my N34 hat. I am also in charge of personal security detachments for all high-risk individuals in the Navy and in SECNAV - were all being taken over to the Navy Yard and specifically they were being taken to NCIS Headquarters.
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mikelewis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 02:24 AM
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4. 77 hits the office of Naval Intelligence - Melts Safes?
Man, this is some powerful fuckin jet fuel.

Q: Do you remember your first trip back to the Pentagon, when you first came back?

RADM Hathaway: My first trip back to the spaces in the Pentagon was about three days after the attack. We were allowed, in chem/bio suits, to go in to recover classified material that was in the Command Center. So I was part of the team that went back in to do that. As the FBI . . . it was now a crime scene, and the primary restrictions of going into any of those spaces all came from the FBI declaration of it being a Federal crime scene. So any access was controlled through the FBI. But as they were sifting through the rubble, as they could get in as fire areas were being cooled down, they reported finding massive amounts of classified material, and so they realized that they needed to get people in there to account for it. I couldn't recognize the Navy Command Center.

Q: Was there anything you did recognize?

RADM Hathaway: I recognized parts of what was our brand new briefing auditorium, just only because there were probably 60 very nice reclining chairs in there. But I just recognized pieces and parts of the chairs. All the furniture . . . I mean everything was totally obliterated and I was just amazed that anybody made it out of that space alive. Those were the thoughts going through my mind. The classified material were things that had been either out and around, because the Command Center is a SCIF , or had been safes that had literally been either melted open or blown open. So most of the classified material that we had was burnt, so it was gone. But there were still bits and pieces. So again, it was about three days afterwards . . .

This office was located in the D ring of the Pentagon.
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k-robjoe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 10:30 AM
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5. Mineta
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 01:25 PM
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6. SECNAV briefed on Sep. 11 while away
010911-N-5636P-001 Sep. 11, 2001-- The Honorable Gordon England, Secretary of the Navy, left, Rear Admiral Christopher Weaver, center, Commandant Naval District Washington, and Vice Admiral Timothy Keating, right, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Plans, Policy and Operations, lean closer to the phone as the first damage assessment reports from the Pentagon come in just hours after the terrorist attack on Sep. 11, 2001. The Secretary was in Texas at the time of the attack and immediately returned to Washington, where he was taken to an undisclosed location to be briefed U.S. Navy Photo by Chief Photographer's Mate Dolores L. Parlato. (RELEASED)

Or so they say.....
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