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Ten Things We Learned About 911 In 2004

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demodewd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-07-05 08:24 PM
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Ten Things We Learned About 911 In 2004
Ten Things We Learned
About 911 In 2004
Rigorous Institution

1. The World Trade Center Black Boxes were recovered, though officials perpetuate the lie that they weren't.

2. FEMA really did arrive early in New York City, for the "bioterror drill" Tripod II, and Rudi Giuliani's testimony to that effect before the 9/11 Commission is its only public testimony which remains officially untranscribed.

3. The Total Information Awareness program was ready to roll out before Sept 11, and John Poindexter's office was established in the Pentagon no later than Sept 12.

4. A recording of six air traffic controllers' same-day detailing of their communication with two hijacked planes on September 11 was purposefully destroyed by the FAA.

5. NORAD was conducting a live-fly simulation of multiple hijackings on the morning of 9/11, which effectively hamstrung a fighter response already compromised by exercises which took the bulk of interceptors far from the eastern seaboard.

6. Dick Cheney was running a separate command and control communications system on 9/11, which whistleblower Indira Singh recognized as having "the exact same functionality I was looking to utilize Ptech," the high tech terrorist and intelligence cut-out that "was set up in the basement of the FAA" for two years before the attacks. (Go to this page to download video testimony of Mike Ruppert and Indira Singh on this subject.)

7. George Bush was unwilling to reluctantly meet members of his reluctantly struck 9/11 Commission unless Cheney accompanied him, both were unsworn, their words were unrecorded and untranscribed, the meeting was private and in the White House, and the members' notebooks were confiscated afterwards.

8. That John Ashcroft made the case for Sibel Edmonds' State Secret Privilege gag order by claiming that disclosure of her testimony would "cause serious damage to the national security interests of the United States" suggests he is at least an accessory after the fact (Daniel Ellsberg believes Ashcroft deserving of jail time for his role in obstructing justice), as Edmonds has been able to say that her testimony involves "specific information implicating certain high level government and elected officials in criminal activities directly and indirectly related to terrorist money laundering, narcotics, and illegal arms sales."

9. Donald Rumsfeld confirmed what we knew all along, that Flight 93 was shot down, and the corporate media flew into damage control for the Pentagon, saying the Secretary "misspoke" and "stoked conspiracy theories."

10. As Pakistan wound down the search for Osama bin Laden and "prohibited" American forces based in Afghanistan from making cross-border incursions into the Tribal Areas, Musharraf was rewarded with the approving words that his continuing rule remains an internal matter for Pakistanis. (Afghanistan was, arguably, more cooperative in their attempt to bring bin Laden to justice, and Iraq was not a rogue nuclear state.)

We're getting there. Of course, they are there already, and have been for years.
But we're catching on.

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NAO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-07-05 08:55 PM
Response to Original message
1. 9/11 Truth Movement is best path to bring * regime down
There is SO much evidence, corroborated from so many sources that * and his cronies have outright lied over and over about the events of 9/11.

Further there is much evidence of complicity, based on solid evidence and sound arguments. This is not fringe speculation. It is only kept out of the mainstream by the corporate media who choose to completely ignore it.

911 Truth Movement

From the Wilderness

Complete 911 Time line

Deception Dollars - links to 9/11 Truth Sites

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demodewd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-07-05 10:12 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. gravel
I hate to put gravel in your soup but the main stream media won't stop taking their directives from the corporate and ruling elite in any future scenario short of revolution.
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graphixtech Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-07-05 11:06 PM
Response to Original message
3. "9/11 Truth: The Key to Systemic Change"
This is part of a recent outreach note . . .
"Given the momentum and added strength of the corporate forces
now in power, citizens will face unending appeals this year to combat
firestorms on many different fronts.

"We can struggle to prioritize our donations to stop war atrocities,
environmental assaults, our grandkids' ballooning debt, attacks on our
rights and Constitution, the shredding of the social safety net, and a
dozen other centrifugal symptoms of the sickness at the top.

"OR we can step back a pace or two and see where all this carnage
connects and focus our resources on tactics that would stop it all at once."

"The official 9/11 story has in fact empowered so many subsequent crimes
against the country that 9/11 Truth has become the mother of all issues
and remains the key to widespread redress."
(much more) - DK

To learn more about the 9/11 Truth Movement:

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k-robjoe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-08-05 09:53 AM
Response to Original message
4. Indira Singh and the company "Ptech"
This thing about whistleblower Indira Singh, and the company Ptech ( Point 6 above) is very interesting.

"At JP Morgan I was working on the next generation risk blueprint which is all about how to prevent these things from happening, bad business practice such a money laundering, rogue trading and massive computer failures, anything you could imagine would go wrong. I had a lot of leeway consulting as a senior risk architect, to think out of the box and actually get my ideas implemented. I was funded out of a strategic fund, I reported to the Directors and I was pretty happy. JP Morgan thought very highly of me and they were thinking of funding, in conjunction with my project in D.C., the next generation of risk software.
Ptech is a very small software company located in Quincy, Massachusetts.
They put out this kind of software product that I was talking about and it has an artificial intelligence core. Ptech assured me that they had something called clearances so I figured there’d be no problem getting them cleared to come into JP Morgan Chase, to evaluate our very confidential risk plans for the future, how we would stop money laundering, for instance.IBM told me that they were planning on making Ptech a special global partner. With IBM standing next to the small vendor Ptech I was pretty excited that I was on the right track.
There was no problem getting Ptech cleared through security to come visit and talk serious business. They were with me for 20 minutes before I suspected something was not right. So I called my colleagues. They told me to talk to ex-Ptech and Ptech employees right away. But they told me something even more ominous. They said, “Do not let them out of your sight and don’t let them take anything from the bank.” So, with Ptech people standing still feet away from me they told me hair raising story of Ptech’s myriad connections to terrorism.
First, the person you see in this picture, who was placed on the U.S. terror list in October 2001, his name is Yassin Al-Qadi, a Saudi businessman. That’s the one arrow was pointing towards. I thought these people were kidding or they were setting up a play for Ptech’s business with JP Morgan. I insisted on proof and documentation. I went to two states to collect it including this and other pictures. I also spoke with the Boston FBI where they said they had reported this nine months earlier, just weeks after the attack. This was the end of May 2002.
At the very same time I am discovering this about Ptech, because their meeting with me and JP Morgan Chase was at the end of May, at the very same time, on May 30th, 2002, Agent Robert Wright of the Chicago FBI at a congressional hearing appeared on the steps of the Capital and burst into tears apologizing to the 9/11 families stating his investigation into terrorism financing had been repeatedly shut down and he had been censured for pushing it. Actually his investigation was exactly into Yassin Al-Qadi who he called bin Laden’s banker. Wright’s investigation was shut down in the late 90s. He stated that if he had been able to continue and shut down the funding to al Qaeda, 9/11 may not have happened. His original quote was it would not have happened.
Ptech was with Mitre in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11. Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA, that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to change anything it would have been Ptech along with Mitre. And that ties right back to Michael Ruppert’s information.
Who, who’s really behind PTECH is the questions. I asked that of many intelligence people who came to my aid as I was being blacklisted and I was told, “Indira, it is a CIA clandestine op on the level of Iran-Contra.” And I have reason to believe this because Care International that was mentioned in one of the slides is a renamed version of Alkhifah which was the funding arm for WTC ’93. Prior to Alkhifah it was called Maktab Al-Khidamat, which is the funding arm for the Afghani Mujahideen. It was how the monies got to Osama bin Laden through the Pakistani ISI.
At that level I said, well why doesn’t the FBI take advantage of their celebrated differences with the CIA and I was told because at that level they work together.
Any time we attempt to write the truth behind this, we get, the people who are writing truth are getting sued. The Kean Commission does not mention Ptech at all." ( Big doc. Singh part starting at page 120.)
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demodewd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 02:45 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. re: The Kean Commission
The Kean Commission doesn't mention Ptech at all

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k-robjoe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-05 02:44 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Minstrel on Ptech
From this site : :

"Remember Ptech? That's the Boston software firm financed by Saudi businessman Yassin Al-Qadi, who also happens to be an al Qaeda bagman, whose clients happened to include numerous sensitive US federal branches and agencies, including the FAA, the FBI, the military and the White House.
Though Edmonds is gagged, Singh did give testimony to the 9/11 Citizens' Commission, Sept 9, 2004 in New York. She read an open letter from Edmonds, and added "what I have uncovered in Ptech connects with some of the things that she has discovered. Sibel is not allowed to disclose content but she can ask me questions. I know some of the things that she mentioned there connect directly to what I discovered."


INDIRA SINGH: I did a number of things in my research and when I ran into the drugs I was told that if I mentioned the money to the drugs around 9/11 that would be the end of me. That is a current threat that I’m under and therefore I will speak out about the drugs at another forum."
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meppie-meppie not Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 02:02 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. your link doesn't work, it says Blogger Not Found. Sorry, I would have
liked to check it out :(
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k-robjoe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 02:13 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Sorry about that
Good news is, I was just checking in on this forum, and I believe I can help you get there.

Just, click here :

and then click on the third link on the right ( Michael Chertoff and the sabotage of the Ptech investigation ).
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meppie-meppie not Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 02:48 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. TY muchly kind person!!! :-) n/t
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k-robjoe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 07:14 PM
Response to Reply #6
11. More on Ptech
This thing about injected blips, and about the company Ptech, is developing all the time now it seems :

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Nothing Without Hope Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 01:03 PM
Response to Original message
10. A very helpful compilation. Now I wonder what will come out in 2005
I am wondering the investigations are going from here, and how and when more truth will be exposed. This post gave me some amount of reassurance that the enough of truth WILL eventually come out to attract the interest and concern from a wider segment of the public. But when? and how?

Don't worry, I don't expect you to magically answer. It's just that the frustration is so high. Maybe we could get Michael Moore to make a movie -- except that if he did, he'd get assassinated for sure. This is the scandal that the cartel is most concerned about because they know it would be enough to turn the whole country against them in a united front. Not enough teflon in the universe to cover this. They've somehow managed to so far squeak by on what they've done with the Iraq invasion and so many other things, but revelation that 9/11 was either enabled or planned by them for political gain would generate enough outrage to bring them down. There is no spin that would ever suffice and they know it.
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