Convened by The 9/11 Citizens' Commission
At Symphony Space, New York City – September 9, 2004
The "Omissions Hearings" of the 9/11 Citizens' Comission were developed by 9/11 CitizensWatch and as a response to the publication of The 9/11 Commission Report.
The hearings were held in New York for nine hours on Thursday, September 9, 2004, with an attendance of 400 people at the afternoon session. The testimonies by researchers and whistleblowers presented evidence and explored questions that the official 9/11 Commission had chosen to ignore, or at least to omit from its reports and public proceedings; hence the ironic name.
The Omissions Hearings stand as a model for ad hoc citizens' action, piecing together an investigation to fill the vacuum left by a government that has abandoned accountability and has allowed obvious discrepancies to prevail in its accounts of one of the greatest crimes and defining events of our age. We are therefore providing the complete transcripts and the video / audio records of the hearings as documents in support of this Complaint and Petition.
< Audio Files Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV >
Unfortunately, citizens' initiatives cannot issue subpeonas or gain access to classified documents or official witnesses. Those powers have been invested by the people in governmental authorities. Several of the parties who participated in the Omissions Hearings in the role of commissioners, witnesses or staff are therefore also taking part in the present Complaint and Petition to the Attorney General, as researchers, consultants and/or complainants and signatories. Their expertise and knowledge remains accessible to future investigations by suitably empowered authorities, such as the Attorney General.
(-Justice for 9/11 Steering Committee)
The Omissions Hearings of
The 9/11 Citizens' Commission
Hon. Cynthia McKinney
Democratic member of the House of Representatives from Georgia
Catherine Austin Fitts
Assistant Secretary of Housing under President George Bush Sr.
Former managing director and board member of Dillon, Read & Co. Inc.
Founder of the Solari Network.
(Absent on September 9 due to a family emergency)
Robert McIlvaine
Father of Robert McIlvaine, lost at Ground Zero;
member of Peaceful Tomorrows.
Dr. Faiz Khan
Triage Doctor at Ground Zero on September 11; assistant Imam.
Introduction by
Kyle Hence
Co-founder, 9/11 CitizensWatch
- On the need and rationale for a new investigation of September 11 crimes
Jenna Orkin
Chairwoman, World Trade Center Environmental Organization
- On the U.S. administration's cover-up of the environmental impacts of the World Trade Center attacks, and the continuing consequences to the health of many thousands of people in New York City
Staff Statements by
John Judge
Co-founder, 9/11 CitizensWatch, author and researcher
- On failures and omissions of official 9/11 investigations and overall context of the September 11 events
Barrie Zwicker
Journalist and filmmaker ("The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw"); co-organizer of the International Citizens Inquiry into 9/11, Phase II (May 2004)
- On the historical precedents for state-sponsored and false-flag terror and the manufacture of casus belli
Michael Springmann
Former State Department employee at the consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- Exposed the practice of awarding U.S. visas to ineligible applicants at the behest of the Central Intelligence Agency
Paul Thompson
Creator of "The Complete 9/11 Timeline" at, the leading online resource for 9/11 research, recently published in book form as The Terror Timeline: A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11 (Harper Collins, 2004)
- On advance knowledge of the September 11 attacks and advance warnings to the United States by allied foreign governments; on the Pakistani ISI connection to the CIA and to the financing of terrorist networks
Michael C. Ruppert
Former LAPD Narcotics Investigator, publisher of the "From the Wilderness" newsletter and author of the leading 9/11 research study, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil
- On the role of the U.S. Air Force wargames of September 11, 2001 in hindering air defense response to the hijackings; on the role of the U.S. civilian-military chain of command in the events of that day
Indira Singh
Ground Zero survivor and first responder
- Whistleblower on the activities of the U.S. government contractor Ptech
Open Letter by
Sibel Edmonds
addressed to Thomas Kean
Former FBI translator
- Whistleblower on the FBI failure to prevent the September 11 attacks, despite specific warnings dating back to April 2001 and indicating contributing factors originating within a nexus of organized crime reaching into the United States government itself
Staff Statement by
Nicholas Levis
Staff member,
Author, co-organizer of the international 9/11 research conference in Berlin, "Unanswered Questions: Demanding Answers" (September 2003, see online at
- On failures and omissions of official 9/11 investigations and overall context of the September 11 events
Staff Statement by
Carolyn Betts
Attorney at Law, consultant to the Justice for 9/11 Complaint and Petition
- On the taxonomies of damages and issues of jurisdiction arising from the crimes of September 11