What the hell is wrong with this Stupid Dust. It don’t want to do right.
Look at these videos of the twin towers when they are falling Down close to the bottom of the page.
http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/cc/criticscorner.html#evidenceAsk your self. What’s wrong with this picture.
Did you see it.
The dust. It’s not doing right. I mean. Right like dust does when it falls down.
The dust is not going out from the building. Like it should
It goes out so far. Then it reverses it’s movement. And goes back in the direction that it came from.
The building is imploding. Not exploding.
And the dust is falling just as fast as big heavy chunks of steel, and rocks.
But when you look at other pictures of the building after it fell. The dust is very fine.
Why is it that this fine dust is falling at such a high rate of speed?
And if the dust is of larger pieces. How was it able to change it’s direction in a free fall and start going in the other direction.
The flashes of light that can be seen.
You can curve space to the point that atom are turned in to light.
When atoms turn into light. The atom is no more. It causes a vacuum to form. It will suck every thin the air toward the hole left by the missing atom that turned in to light.
Look at what the dust cloud is doing. When the building is falls
This is not right. It’s not right at all?
But when you find out what is happening. What is happening to the dust The dust is doing what it should be doing. The building is imploding from the inside out.
This is why there is a large part of the mass of the building.
And this is why the building fell down into it’s own foot print.
Can jet fuel make some thing like this happen? No way.
There is no way that jet fuel can turn atoms into light.
Curved can produce evidence that is like no other. This type of evidence can not be faked.
And that is just the tip of the ice burg of what they are not telling you about the events that took place on 9/11.
I have thought a lot about talking about this. But some one needs to tell the truth about 9/11. The world need to know the truth about what happened on 9/11.
In order to track the history of mans knowledge of how to form worm holes and curve space. You have to know what kind of evidence it will produce.
If curved space can turn 500,000 tons of concrete and steel into dust and light.
What would it do to human flesh and bones? Not good. Not good at all.
Down in Central America. There bare carving of a snake.
The snake has large chunks of it’s flesh missing. There are no scales where the flesh is missing.
Curved space can make you shin to rip off your body. Skinned a live. Like shinning a animal. Like pulling a sox off your foot. Turning it inside out when you do.
When every this happens there is a lot of pain. It feels like your shin is on fire.
It is a knee jerk reaction to run when ever you catch on fire.
Knowing this I want you to look at some videos.
http://www.youtube.com/user/AlienScientist#p/a/f/1/8XRMrMdn0NQThere are two thing I want you to see.
The first is where they put on the so called “Hero on 9/11” The man who when around and unlocked the escape doors. Why were the escape doors locked?
The Hero tells a story of how he ran into a man that the skin on this arm had been pilled off. Sox turn inside out. And his shin what dangling from his finger tips.
The Hero thought it was his long sleeved shirt. It turn out to be his shin.
The other thing in the video to look at is where there is a flash of light and the hind wheels of the car lift off the ground.
Why I’m saying a flash and not an explosion. Is there are no debris flying through the air like what happens when there is an explosion.
The is a flash of light. Atoms are being turned into light. and a the same time the car rises off the ground. In order to curve space to the point where atoms are being turned into light.
The same curved space would have an effect on gravity. And heavy object like cars will come up off the ground a flat through the air.
There is talk where people reported of floating through the air.
Find the videos where it shows where people are jumping out of the building.
The one I want you to watch is the one where there is a man standing on the edge. At the corner of the building. He is standing there and holding on to a I-beam of steel.
Suddenly he let’s go of the bean. And jumps back a way from the beam.
Then a few seconds there is a woman that comes running out of the building.
What is odd about the running woman is that she is running so fast that she has run out of her shoes. And after she clears the building and is free falling. She is still running as fast as she can.
What was she running from. Or better yet. Why was she running.
Was it that her skin was on fire.
Or was it as if her skin was on fire.
She was running because her skin was felling as if it was on fire.
What they don’t what you to know about is how some of the rescue worker that made it up to here the floors were at that had the hole in them
What the bodies looked like. Some were turned into a white ash, and still had there clothing on. And was not burnt in any way. Some had big holes missing from there bodies.
Some had there skin rip off their bodies.
Jet fuel can not produce this kind of evidence.
And you can’t say that it never happen because we have pictures that are written in stone. They don’t lie.