Edited on Sun Jan-16-11 11:30 PM by defendandprotect
done it --
As the towers fell, I turned off my TV unable to watch the horror of it.
So I didn't exactly see repeats of the falling towers which might have alerted me to
something being very wrong. My mind and heart remained fixed for some time on what
I truly believed were people losing their lives in those towers -- including hundreds
of firemen. Fortunately, I was as a radio listener connected to Amy Goodman and WBAI
and a fantastic resercher there whose name I can't recall at the moment -- but who was
very familiar with FBI practices and "terorism" -- and what had actually been going on --
and had begun immediately investigating and asking: "How could they not have known?"
Great question -- and the answer is it would have been impossible for administration and
our intelligence agencies NOT to have known! Rather they were running an "Operation Ignore."
I did recognize, however, the lies of the first attack on the WTC in '93 -- and gradually
I began to question an aluminum plane going thru a steel building -- and when I reached
the website on the Pentagon, it was pretty much over. Later, "No Planes" made even more
sense to me. So -- yes, websites and info from posters provided the information I needed.
And I continue to thank the many -- French, British, Canadians and all of the American
researchers who began to look more closely at 9/11 and helped wake us all up!
Also, don't see what you're pointing to re 9/11 truthers insisting that "only they are right."
What I see is that they are presenting evidence which the OCT cannot respond to in any
believable way.
Somehow to know the truth of what happened that day and to discuss this with all fairness and respect seems less relevant than to show the other that he's as usual wrong.
And, neither do I think that's true --
I certainly do see fairness and respect on the part of truthers and researchers -- in fact,
I often think them overly patient in repeating information someone has missed.
Of course 911 is a very emotional topic and there are basically two camps and one either has to belong to the one side or to the other and even simply to ask for the facts and to try to look objectively at these facts seems impossible.
Many issues are "emotional" -- issues like abortion, for instance. Homelessness. Poverty.
Unemployment. And, often there are more than two sides expressing opinions on all issues.
But we do manage to come to fairly concrete understandings about all of those issues.
What I do find is that violence is a large clue to something being very wrong.
Which side uses violence in the abortion issue?
Where do we find the aggression and engineering which creates impoverished citizens other
than on the right?
The most notable events which precluded 9/11 were four, imo -- the '93 attack on the WTC
which was pretty much the work of the FBI which financed it -- and corrupt forces within the FBI
which suppressed efforts by FBI whistle blowers to reveal the conspiracy.
Think the '93 effort was completely unbelievable and questionable -- and FAILED to get what
the PNAC wanted -- i.e., a convincing terrorist attack on America which would force the
Clinton administration to attack in the ME -- specifically Iraq.
And, the movement of W Bush into the White House based on a ruling by a radical right wing
Gang of 5 on the Supremes -- completely reversed by journalists who counted the votes and let
us know that Gore won, no matter how the votes were counted - and that was just prior to 9/11.
And 9/11 was topped off by the Anthrax attacks which shut down Congress for months --
pretty much completely disrupting the MAIL FLOW from the general public to Congress.
And certainly completely disrupting Congress, itself.
Miraculously, the Patriot Act appeared within a day or so of the 9/11 attack!
Keeping all of that in mind, as you begin to deal with all of the coincidences and unbelievable
information re 9/11, the OCT collapses, imo.
But nobody can be right on all issues. Therefore basically everybody should have had an experience discussing 911 here where she/he realized that he was wrong and that she/he has learnt from the "other side".
I've mainly learned here at DU that most of the other side is poorly informed and many
disingenuous -- as often as I check what the "other side" is saying, I find that true.