I have just posted a snip. One on each four different posts on the dust to bring them up to the top of the list.
Now what I have to do is pull them all together. As one.
What they all have in common is the.
Damming tattletale evidence of the very large array, of the anomalies produces by the catalytics effects of curved space. A cold process
The tip off came at conference at Madison Wi.
When Dr. Judy Wood told Steve Johns how many tons of concert and steel of the Twin Towers had turned in to dust with in ten seconds. With the absent of any heat.
Dr Steve Jones reply was. The amount of energy needed to rip that many atoms apart a goes right off the charts and straight through the roof.
The very same thing was told to me by the same people that build this type of DEW. In Alamogordo NM.
The palm held DEW . What he was talking about was a laser that can be held in one hand.
What I was told was. The amount of energy that the laser can put out is much less than the energy it would take to do the damage that it does. Much less.
If you look at these DEW. The look a lot like a satellite dish. They use a concave mirror. The light shines on the concave mirror.
In turn the concave mirror focuses the energy to a point. A positive lens
They use hologram to change the positive lens action from the focal point of a positive lens in to the focal point of a negative lens.
Negative lens do not form a focal point. They form a tube of energy.
And here is my proof
You have seen the pictures of the planes over NY on 9/11
You have seen the pictures of these planes here.
http://stinet.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=A429291&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdfI live out west. This is where they are testing this type of weapon system.
This is what they look like when in action
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4PRFA_enUS423&q=black+lines+in+the+skyseen here
http://contrailscience.com/contrails-dark-lines-chemtrails/http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001795.htmlhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRyZO6wXTjk&NR=1The planes went into the ground? I don't think so.
look at the picture. You can see the aircraft. The jet. You can see the vapor trail behind it.
You can also see the black line in front of the jet. The black line is not forming a focal point that can be seen. The sides of the tube are parallel to one an other. It looks like a ribbon. 2D. But it rest in 3D of space. It is expressing it’s self as a tube. Energy in the form of a tube.
The tube is defined by energy. The tube is composed of the absence of energy. Like a bubble in water. If bubbles in water were black in their nature. You could call them a black hole
But if the bubbles in water expressed their self as a tube shape. You could call them worm holes.
What the tube in the picture is black is because it is defined or out lined. by this ocean of energy that we live in. But can not detect it. Strange Dark Energy or Missing Mass.
The tube it’s self is composed of the absents of energy. This is why it is seen as a black line in the sky
A wormhole.
Worm hole can curve space.
And in turn. Curved space can produce all of the abnormal evidence that we see .That of 9/11.
This 9/11 in a nut shell.
This is also why they refer to it as a free energy device.
The same scientist that are working on the technology of worm holes in order to curve space to the point that atoms are rip apart from other atoms. Turn object into dust. (9/11). To be used as a DEW.
Are also the same scientist that are working on the technology of worm holes in order to curve space to the point that you can manipulate gravity. The free energy device.
What truths is it that the Powers that Be are hiding from the American people?
9/11? Sure.
Why are they hiding the truth from the American people?
The free energy device.
The high coast of energy is there number one tool that they use to suppress the people. And have control and power over them
If the American people ever got their hand on this technology. Manipulate Gravity.
The suppressers would lose their money, power and control.
They stand to lose it all if the truth about 9/11 ever gets out there on the streets.
If I have posted my web page once. I have posted it a hundred time.
And not once has any body went there and read it. If they had they would know the same things that I do.
I’m sure that the people that clam that they are chemist and they have tested the dust. But they don’t know Jack about Curved Space. If they did. They would never be say what they are saying.
The only people that know how to build this type of DEW. Is the ones that are all ready building them.
I have yet to see one of these experts come on the net. And talk about what they are doing.
They don’t talk about. Presidents don’t talk about. Why. If you do. You are going to be doing some real long jail time.
The technology of worm holes and curved space.
It is an evidence that is like no other.
Curved space can produce the same evidence that very high temperature can produce. At room temperatures.
This is why I write.
I know that there are real people out there that are working on this technology.
I have talked to one.
I also know that if I stand up and speak out. It will make it much easier of others that willing, some day to follow me, to stand up and tell all.
The list of people that are willing to tell all is long. And it grows longer by the day.
They risked all and did it for me.
They did it for me.
I did it for them.
And so this is the way it is done.
This is my field of dreams. If I build it.
They will come.
http://www.ufoworkshop.0catch.com/Larry L. Burks