is the one that you want. at the picture of the missile being shot down. What's not right with this picture. What's right with this picture.
What is wrong is that you can only see one smoke trail.
One smoke trail means one missile.
Where is the smoke trail of the other missile? It’s not there.
The in coming missile is turned into dust. In thin air. And we know what the dust means.
The big tip off is the words they use.
Short Range.
Then the question becomes how short?
The missile is on it’s way up. Not on it’s way down.
The brag back in 1986 was they could tell when they were fixing to shot off a missile. They could hear them fueling the missile.
They would move a satellite with in range.
And as soon as the missile started to come out of the silo. They could shot the missile and blow it up before it got out of the silo.
That quick. That soon. That short of range.
I would say the in coming missile only got 300 yards down range before it was destroyed.
Sense then we have found out that they can shot down missiles, air planes, artillery shell. mortars and machine gun bullets.
Shout a bullet out of the air with another bullet. Impossible.
Shot a bullet out of the air with a missile. Impossible.
Shot a bullet out of the air with a DEW sure.
If it can shot a steady stream of machine gun bullet out of the air. One at a time.
A DEW can shot bullet out of the air just as easy as it can shot a missile out of the air.
It can shot down a stead stream of missiles just as easy.
There is one more thing that you have to think about.
If the in coming missile only got 300 yards down range before it blow up.
If they used a missile to shot it down. The missile that shot it down had to go five miles before the in coming missile got 300 yards down range. Impossible
They say that the DEW is as fast as light.
I don’t think that is right. It’s a worm hole. The worm hole forms just as fast at the starting end as it does at the other end of the worm hole.
The word they use is Instantaneously, Simultaneous, Spontaneousness. All of these words are not related in time or distances of space. All these words mean faster than light.
If a DEW is that fast. They can be back a long way from where the missile is launcher and still have plenty of time to shot down the missile before it gets out of the missile launcher.
Israeli needs to tweak their system a little bit more. It’s not up to speed yet.
I’m sorry. Did I say speed. That’s not right. Worm holes don’t have any thing to do with time, speed ,or distances of space.
There is going to be more pictures of shot down missile coming down the pike. They have just started.
The pictures are going to tell a story. We know what to look for in the pictures. One of the pictures I saw they were looking at the ground. There was a big puddle of melted metal. On the ground. It may be what is left of the missile. I would bet you could fins B.B.s in the soil.
In the end the pictures will prove me right.
Go find those pictures for me. Every one.
W/ shot down six North Korean missile with our DEW.
China shot down one of their military satellite in outer space. With a DEW
W/ thought he had to shot down one of our military satellite with our DEW to prove to the China that we can do that to.
They both had to violate International Treaty to do so.
Once junk gets loose in outer space there is no way to clean it up again. Outer space is destroyed for all times. As if 9/11 wasn’t good enough for them. No wonder they hate us.
Now we have space junk flying ever where in outer space. It’s like being in a shooting gallery. There is space junk going every where. It’s safe to be in outer space any more.
Just last week ever body on the Space Station had to move to the Safe Room because a piece from the satellite the China shot down was on a collision corse with the space station.