is because the information about connections (please note they are referring to data about the connection points) could very easily be used to identify critical weak points in a structure hence vastly improving one's ability to inflict more damage on a building than if one was taking educated guesses."Or more likely it would show how they cooked the books in their investigation.
"That's a pretty big assumption that there was no peer review."I think if NIST could assure the public that their findings had been corroborated by independent scientists and engineers they'd be sure to be crowing about it. However, if they are using bogus data in their models as
some scientists and engineers strongly suspect, they would naturally ot to be too eager to share it with the wider engineering and scientific community.
I thought building structures were designed like airplanes to be fail safe so that if one or even a few structural members failed, the other surrounding structural members have more than enough strength to handle the increase in load. Apparently the designers and engineers who designed building 7 made a huge blunder in their design as, per the NIST theory, the failure of one beam/column intersection lead to the whole building falling in on itself.
Here's a video showing the computer simulations of the collapse released by NIST. NIST's computer simulations stop a few seconds after collapse initiation, i.e.
the publicly released simulations from NIST did not show how the building fell all the way to the ground. Notice in the videos of the WTC 7 collapse both sides of the structure fall symmetrically. However the NIST simulations show at the onset of collapse most of the internal structure on the left side of the building fallen away and the top, left side external structure starting to deform inwards (not visible in the real-life videos) while on the right side of the building the beams, columns and other structural members remain relatively intact. The intact structure would therefore be available to resist the fall and slow the collapse down on that side of the building, which would not have lead to a symmetrical collapse. Then there's that second video simulation released by NIST which quite plainly is totally out to lunch.
WTC 7 NIST Model Reality Check: